Chapter 2: Rescued

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Be ware this chap. is a little gore in it.
*Danny's Prov*

             The locks slowly began clicking open. Then light slowly started to flood the room as my door opened quietly. Two agents made there way towards me, there feet making light taps against the no longer pearly white floor.
      "Hey, what scum!" One called over, I think it was agent T. When I didn't react the other agent walked over to me and punched me in the face. That must be agent A. I realized as my face started to throb.
       Agent T was like all the other agents but agent A was the 'head agent' so to speak. He was there every once in a while taking notes, but never talked. And never liked having no reaction from me.
They undid the chains connecting me to the wall from my waist, wrists, and ankles. Pulling me up by my white hair they started dragging me through the sickening white hallways.
We soon reached a big white door that had red and green blood splattered across it. I tried pulling back but no use, just got punched in the face again. They opened the door with a click and a whooshing sound and dragged me to the table. They started discussing what to do with me. I tuned them out as I tried not to focus on the dry and crusted blood from yesterday and years before crushing into my back.
         They drag the tools through my delicate skin. Laughing as I screamed for Sam. Screamed for anyone. "INTRUDER, INTRUDER!" Screamed a voice over the intercom. They quickly stitched me up, sad that their fun was being interrupted. Suddenly there was a small explosion out my door and a loud click.
There was no time to unstrap me and take me back to my cell as the door burst open to two figures. The first figure was wearing all black and looked very fit. Frankly, he looked like a huge human bat. I then looked at the shorter second figure and confirmed he looked like a human traffic light with black raven hair like mine sticking out on top of his head behind a white and black mask.
I can't judge considering I am only in rags. They took out the agents professionally but it took awhile sense the agents had weapons and all, why wouldn't they be, I thought as an afterthought.
One by one the agents fell to the group in mangled white heaps.
        After a couple of minutes of thuds, bangs, and fighting the bat-dude and traffic light over there looked at me.
       (Romanian): "Who are you?" I decided to speak in my native tongue just to mess with them but was surprised to hear the shorter male speak back in the same language. (An: whenever I put "R" it means they're taking in Romanian.)
      R:" We are superhero's here to rescue you. Can you speak English?" "Yes, I replied in the regular language. I put on my 'warrior' face as Tucker used to call it. It's my face we're it showed absolutely no emotion.
All my emotions wiped off my face instantly, " Why?" I asked, "Why, what?" Asked the bat-dude in a gruff voice.
       "Why save me?" I asked incredulously, I didn't get why they wanted to save a monster. "As I said, we save people, were superheroes." And with that, he came forward and carefully lifted me up. His hands were ruff but confronting. He walked over to traffic-light and handed me over. I winced at the exchange but said nothing.
Bat-guy walked over to the door and cracked it open an inch, seeing what's going on outside. I saw a couple of fingers try and grope their way through the heavy soundproof door. Bat-dude was quick and quickly pulled out what looked like a smoke pellet from his utility belt, he threw it out the door and pushed the door close with a sicking crunch as the fingers from before lost their battle with the quickly closing door.
I winced, pitying the doorframe to have their devil blood on it. A couple of seconds later we heard thuds come from outside. That pellet must have been more useful than I had ordinarily thought.                         He opened the door back up, a few fingers coming with it, and beckoned traffic light over so he could take me again.
We raced down the hallways with a few agents trailing behind, but white suits littered the floor as traffic light took them out.
     I started to fade as blackness decided to creep along the edges of my vision as if taunting me with the sugary pleasure of passing out.
It soon swept over me as I closed my eyes. I heard a faint voice telling me to stay awake, but ignored it as blackness stole me from the day, night, whatever time it was, and took me from the wretched void of reality.

I did my best and it's bad but oh well! I am trying to post regularly, and please comment and tell me what I'm doing right or wrong. And if you hate me that's fine everybody at my school hates me too.PEACE OUT!
                       Mrs. Phantom

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