Chapter 6: Startling News

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If your actually reading this that's awesome!! I love you guys so much but I am going to pull you guys for a loop. I'm changing Danny's age to we're he got his powers at 8 years old, got captured by the GIW at 10 and was rescued by age 15 so that also changes robins age down to 15 so there you go.

please don't kill me.
**Danny's Prov**
      After Dick helped me with a quick shower, helping me clean off years of dirt and memorizes, we walked along the bat caves cement floor, my feet enjoying the cold. I looked around the big, well, cave, and was amazed.
     It's rocky ceiling and walls a bland grey color, mixing with the cement floors. What really caught my attention was the huge penny and other huge items. The computers were a little hard to look at because I knew Tucker would drool all over them.
     We walked over to a door, "This is the entrance from the bat cave to the manor." My brother comforted.
     He opened the door and I followed him inside.
     Many steps later my brother flooded the stairs with more light as he opened another door.
    We stepped into a big office that looked and felt very modern, a big black desk sat in one corner of the room while my toes twisted into the soft grey carpet. A bookcase took one whole wall.
     I turned around and noticed a grandfather clock stood in the wake of are earlier exit.
     "Grandfather Clock? Really?" I pointed a amusing glare towards Batman, who by this point had changed back into his playboy clothing, don't ask me how.
     "Have to keep it a secret." Was his short answer, I grumbled and looked back at my brother.
      "Hey!" Dick shouted, "What?" I asked, surprised by his outburst.
    "Want to meet the team?"
  Later, after getting me some of dicks clothes (In both forms) so I wasn't wearing rags, we were standing in front of a large tube like thing back in the bat cave. Alfred was up in the manor while both Dick and Bruce changed back into there costumes.
"Danny can you change into your ghost form, because you know, secret identity's?" After Dicks request I changed back and groaned a little, "Ow, that's going to hurt for a little bit."
     "So, are these people nice?" I questioned.
    "Yes there very nice. They are superheroes after all." He stated matter of factly. I still didn't trust these people as my trust in man kind as dwindled to almost nonexistent or for any life form for that matter.
     Batman typed in some numbers, my eyes started to glitter in excitement to see the first man made teleportation. My excitement dwindled a little to see the tube did nothing but grew 10 times more more as I saw Robin enter and pull me with him into the mysterious glass tube.
      Bright white light surrounded us for a couple seconds, but during those few seconds my nerves grew 10 fold while my breath started to quicken. I squeezed Robin with both my arms, clingy to him as if he was my life line. Then it stopped.
      We were now in some sort of lobby/living room. (An: I don't know what mount justice look like so I'm gonna make all of this up like I did with Bruce's office, enjoy)
      The dark wood floors covered the entire area which consisted of a living room with red couches a black coffee table and a 65"inch tv. There was also a kitchen that was a little more preppy that had granite counter tops with light yellow cabinets with a steel fridge, stove, microwave, and sink. Then there was a dark hallway leading of to more rooms. It was beautiful.
      There were also people in the room.  No. No. No. Nope. I hid behind Robin. I small whimper made its way past my lips. 'Dick?'
'Can we go some were else, were there's no people.
'Don't worry. There people like me. Hero's.'
'Are you sure?'
I sighed,
     I stepped out behind Robin the tiniest bit just so that my burning green eyes and snowy white hair could be seen over his shoulder.
   Dick squeeze my hand reassuringly before saying, "Guys I have something important to show you."
     Four heads turned my way. I hid behind Dick again. Then a streak of red and yellow lighting arced towards us and I barley contained my blood curling scream.
"Stop, your scaring him!" Dick nothing but growled.
   The ball of multicolored lighting zipped past Dick and came straight  into my face just enough for me to realize it was a pale boy with red hair and some freckles sprinkled around the nose and cheeks before my instincts kicked in and I punched him in the nose. A sickening crack filled the air.
      The boy flew back and hit one of the cream colored walls and slowly slide down it before hitting the floor and grunting.
        I turned and buried my head into Dicks shoulder and stray tears began to roll down my cheeks.
   "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I began to mumble as Dick rubbed my back soothingly.
      The rest looked on stunned, "Wh-who is that?" Whispered a shocked girl that had red fire like hair and green skin.
"Guys, this is my brother." Robin said gently, still rubbing my back soothingly as my sobs and pleas turned to soft incoherent whispers.
"He's your what!"A tan girl with blonde hair asked.
The red headed boy finally got up and possessed what was happening as his eyes became un dazed and sharp.
There was two other boys, one had black hair and blue eyes and tan skin that looked very buff and intimidating, though not to me, entirely. The other boy had dark skin and blonde hair with sharpe teal eyes.
Man was this going to be a busy day.

Ok that was it for this chapter I'm so so so so sorry for not updating. You can't imagine how bad I feel but I'm trying to write more chapters in time. Love you guys. PEACE OUT!


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