Chapter 4: Rings

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     I can't write robins Prov either so just stick with me on this one.

*Robins PROV*
We had gotten back from the mission about twelve hours ago, yet I still had a slight buzzing in my brain. 'Probably just left over adrenaline', I thought with a sigh.
I pondered on how my team would react about the new guest in Mount Justice, my mask in one of my hands resting on the leathery couch. Knowing Wally (aka) kid flash will come running up to me at his unnatural speeds and bug me with questions about the mission no doubt. Superboy will probably just asked where he came from then shrug it off and wait to see the new arrival for himself. M'gnn or her earth name, Megan, will probably be lot like Wally, itching to get more answers out of me than I have. Artemis will likely ask how he arrived and what we know about him, but not bugging too much. Then Aqualad will probably ask what Superboy had and go mind his own business, asking silent questions about the new comer to himself.
I leaned back on the leathery, black couch, it squishing into a more compact shape with my weight.
I then felt a slight tugging sensation, or was it familiarity, who knows, in my gut. I resisted the urge to just let my self ignore it and finally get some rest. I lifted my self off the couch and through the empty hallways, my feet tapping lightly against the tile floors.
     I soon arrived at an infurymury door, there was nothing special about the glistening dark wood or brass handle, yet it pulled to me, my instincts agreed with the sensation.
I reached for the handle, my hand shaking slightly for the fear of what I would find inside. I then chasaed my self for fearing what could be behind a simple door.
     I twisted the handle, my hand slightly uncomfortable from the cold handle, and let it swing open.
     A slight rustling sound floated through the door, realizing that someone was in there, I stepped through the door to see a exact replica of me standing in a fighting stance.
I put my hands up in the universes sign of peace, not wanting to fight a probably already hurting person. He didn't let his guard down but loosened the slightest bit. "Hey, I don't want to hurt-" I cut off as soon as I saw a gold ring glistening off his finger as he spun it. I recognized that gold band immediately as it was the exact same as mine but had a crescent moon instead of a sun.
     He whipped his head over to my hand so fast I thought for sure he had whiplash.
     We then said together:


Ok that was it for this chapter, I know it's really short but I thought I just had to end it this way cause I love them cliffhangers (please don't hate me)! Anyway that's it! PEACE OUT!


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