Chapter 3: Where am I?

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*Danny Prov*

        My eyes slowly fluttered open. I looked up at the ceiling curiously, seeing it was an off-color white. I slowly shifted my eyes to see a guard rail. I then realized I was on a bed. I haven't been on a bed in 5 years or to add a pillow for that matter.
          I then heard an annoying beeping sound. I looked up to see a heart monitor, I tried to lift my arms. One came up slowly but fell back onto the bed with a light thump before it could touch the breathing mask on my face. I sighed, frustrated, that I was so weak.
I soon noticed a throbbing in my skull. Great, more pain, I thought missable, though I notice the pain from before has definitely dulled since I was last awake.      
I tried once again to grab the itchy, uncomfortable plastic off my face. This time I succeed as my right arm slowly rose to the occasion (An: see what I did there!) and grabbed the mask off my face. I then noticed I was in human form, I hope they didn't see me change.
As I slowly gained more strength I sat up and took in more of my surroundings.
I look around the small room, the bed/gurney in the middle with a plan white nightstand on my left with a small, dark brown door on my right. On the right wall was a set of two or three of dark gray cabinets and counters, filled with medical supply's. There was a normal sitting chair in the corner, it sitting on pale wood floors.
I guessed I was in an infirmary and shifted to a more comfortable piston on the bed.
I looked down at my bare chest and saw neat bandages wrapped around my torso. I wondered who wrapped me up? With that last thought, the memories came back to me. The boy with raven hair and the man that looked like a bat saving me, the boy talking in romanian.
I thought on that for a while wondering how he knew of romanian. Which brought me to think of my family, my first family.


"Hey, are you ready for your first show?" A pretty woman looked down to two 7-year-old boys. " I can't wait! Can you Danny?" One of the boys turned to me and questioned. "Of course I am Dick! Why wouldn't I be? It's our first show!" I shouted at the boy next to me.
He had spiky raven black hair and bright ice blue eyes, wearing an excited smile. He was wearing the family costume, with the black and white mask hanging around his neck. You could barely tell us part if we were standing right next to each like we are now.
"Showtime boys!" A man with a gentle voice called over from the other side of the train car.
***3rd Person Prov***
"And our next act!" Yelled a booming voice "The Flying Grayson's" the crowd cheered inside the circus tent, excited for the act they've been waiting for.
A family came from backstage and began climbing the high wire and doing a bunch of tricks, just about to do their new trick before the boys came on. There was a loud crack and the wire snapped leaving the parents to fall to the ground with a sickening crunch as the two boys up top yelled for their now lifeless parents. No one saw a shadow slink away from the accident.
The crowed tent went into a panic as they rushed out of the tent.
"Bye Danny, I will find you I promise. But for now, take this." He handed the other boy a gold ring with a white crescent moon on top. "And here Dick." Danny said "I won't forget you either. Take this." He took out the same kind of gold ring except it has a bright sun on top. "Thank you so much!" Both said at the same time as they hugged for the last time in many years.
One boy walked off to an expensive looking man while the other walked off to a small family, both parents wearing hazmat suits, with a small orange, haired girl by there side.


I looked down at the ring my brother gave all those years ago, twisting it in thought as it circled my middle finger.
I was shaken out of my daydream to the door opening slightly. I tensed up, making my muscles ache with an echoing pain but ignored it and got in a battle stance as much as I could.
An old man peeked his head in, his eyes widened slightly seeing I was awake. He regained his composure and slipped inside, I never let my battle stance go.
"Master Danny, am I correct?" I just continued to glare not sure what he meant. "Don't worry, we did not bring you here to hurt you. We saved you."
My stance fell the slightest bit, but I soon put it back up full force. This man made me feel safe, like I could trust him. It was as if wasn't me trusting him but someone else. I didn't understand it.
"Would you like some food?" The man asked in a hesitant voice as if he's afraid to frighten me. I gave a slight nod, just noticing the rumbling coming from the pit in my stomach.
He bowed and left with a quiet click of the door. I lost my stance quickly and sat back down in the comfortable sheets, thinking about the man's strange ability to make me trust him.

I then felt a slight tugging sensation, or was it familiarity, who knows, pulling at my gut.

Ok that was it folks I hope you liked it


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