Author's Note

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I have a lot of fictional characters that I like, but I can't say that there are many that truly rile me up, much less couples.

Alejandro and Heather are one of those couples.

Individually, they are my favourite characters in the entirety of Total Drama. Together, they become the greatest adversaries the show has ever seen.

To this day, I can confidently say I still ship them. They are indeed "OTP goals." When I think about them in real life, I jump, scream, and fangirl like an idiot. If anyone were to see me, it'd ruin this cool author persona I made for myself on Wattpad (if that's even possible).

But I digress.

I've been wanting to do a fanfiction of these two for awhile now. Since starting What Does Love Look Like (my Eyeless Jack × Reader fanfic), I've been excited to branch out to other fandoms outside of the Creepypasta community.

That book has taught me a lot of things, especially considering my work flow. I'll be taking extra steps to see to it that this book gets updated regularly.

I'm pretty excited for this one, especially since it involves AleHeather. While I adore the couple, I could just never think of a plot that would do them justice. Ironically, I felt a burst of inspiration while looking through cheesy Harlequin inspired comics. The me, who can't appreciate overused cliche tropes, decided to take a shot at it with my most cherished OTP.

Put my favourite couple in an incredibly overused romance plot, I'm quite cruel aren't I?

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