Chapter 3

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The running water seemed to flowing violently from the tap as it crashed onto the dirty dishes. This was never Heather's favourite part of dinner, more so dinner parties, but it was a chore that had to be done. It was a harsh lesson she learned when she had just started living on her own. She almost wished she could have lived a more underprivileged childhood. Almost.

"Hey Heather, do you need any help?"

She turned around to see Cameron twiddling his thumbs. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the nervous wreck. He and Sierra have come to her house how many times now? More than she'd like to admit, but he was still intimidated every time he saw her. Heather would be lying if she said that it wasn't a little nice that people knew their place beneath her--- not to mess with her, she meant. She was supposed to be nice now, right.

"I'd rather you do all my chores from now on actually." Her tone was rough, and Cameron started to shake, wondering if she was being serious or not. Heather pressed a knuckle to her forehead, "It was a joke, Cameron."

"O-oh! Right! Well, let me help you out anyway..."

Cameron took his place beside her, picking up a cloth to dry her dishes. Heather was grateful for the help and the two were able to start a friendly conversation. How was work, the food was good, politics continually prove the need for anarchy, you know, the usual.

He gave her a bit of a bittersweet expression, almost sad but not quite. "I want to thank you, Heather. Not just for inviting us for dinner, but also for staying Sierra's friend."

"She's just another network connection that so happens to make good deviled eggs; don't flatter yourself."

Cameron chuckled a little, genuinely, "Guess being the Queen Bee for so long has made you a bit dishonest, huh?"

"I--!!!" The plate she had been washing dropped into the sink unceremoniously. Heather's face turned a bright shade of red as she started stammering.

But as she turned to face him, she was met with a face of determination she had not seen in a long time. Though he was looking up at the taller her his stance made it feel like he was looming, and the look he gave her was somehow able to shut her up. It was like seeing him stand up for himself for the first time at the end of All Stars; a man with a goal and purpose, that's what he became.

"I'm going to ask Sierra to marry me."

Heather was silent. What could she say? There was no hesitation in his eyes; it was a little attractive. All she could say, anything against or for his decision, it felt like he already knew it. So all she could was nod, too flustered to speak, as she went back to washing her dishes.

"She's hyperactive, hyper fixated, hyper romantic, hyperventilates a lot... I mean, I love that about her. And I hate that about her. We've got our disagreements, like she really thought I was Cody for a long time, but she got help for that! She's going through therapy, and we've had relationship counselling... And I know she's a lot, but I can handle how much work she is. And really, when she's calm, she's a compassionate and caring person. I can see myself building a life with her. So, you can't tell me otherwise! Even if you say it's a bad idea, I'll take you on!"

"Just send me an invite soon."

"See! I knew you were gonna try to stop me! Well, I'll have you know that I--- wait, what did you say?"

"Send me an invite, numbnuts," she sighed, "I'm gonna say this once, you're not too bad of a guy. I think Sierra is happy with you."

Cameron didn't know what to say. "...Thank you, Heather."

"Don't wear out the name. Just make sure you treat her good or else I'll kick you to the next millenia."

Faced with Heather's stern face, Cameron could only laugh nervously. He nodded so vigorously that it looked liked his head was going to fall off. She gave him a small smirk, satisfied with his commitment to this. It looks like she was going to be busy once Sierra starts passionately making wedding plans.

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