Chapter 2

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Both parties stared each other down for quite some time, Heather's hand still clasped within Alejandro's. They seemed to be having a silent battle, speaking only with their eyes. Without a word, memories long forgotten were filling the soundless space between them. They were memories of an already died out flame.

"Ahem," Fernando cleared his throat to catch their attention, "Pardon the interruption, but do you two know each other?"

"Not at all," Alejandro smiled.

"I've never met this man in my life," Heather said happily.

"Right, of course you haven't." Fernando wasn't entirely convinced, but he left the two as is. "Then Heather, allow me to introduce Alejandro: my grandson, as well as my successor."

"Grandson?" The statement genuinely surprised Heather. What were the odds that Fernando was related to her former flame? Was her life a soap-opera? Was this karma for her bitchy attitude in high school? Or the fact she kept that attitude even now? Her face scrunched up unconsciously at the thought.

"Kasu--- Heather, please don't look at me like that," Fernando said, misunderstanding her intent. "Is it that odd to have a thirty year old grandson at my age? Alejandro, was nineteen a bad age to have your mother?"

"Of course not, abuelo. I think it just goes to show that passion really does run in the family. Especially since you had Tio Julio much earlier," Alejandro snickered as he teased his grandfather.

"Ojo! What your mouth! You're in front of a lady!" Fernando reprimanded him furiously, pink subtly tinting his cheeks.

Heather watched at the two family members engaging in light-hearted family bashing, and her smile became tight. She felt a little out of place and seeing Alejandro again made the situation all the more overwhelming for her. By the way he acted, she could see he hadn't changed a bit. The way he smirked like he was looking down on her, loving words that poured out of his deep voice, his incessant teasing, how she would never know if he was being genuine or not; they all infuriated her.

As well as pained her.

She picked up her bag from her seat and started to head towards the door. Before she left, she made sure to give her respects to Fernando Flores. She nodded her head towards him, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

"Thank you for your time, Flores. Or should I say Fernando. You'll have to excuse me; I have another appointment I need to attend to."

Fernando nodded in mild disappointment. "Of course, Heather. I'd hate to make you late. It's a shame though, I was hoping to have you and Alejandro spend some time together since you will be working with him soon."

"If that's the case, I can escort her downstairs," Alejandro offered.

"Oh, no, you really don't have to---"

"Good idea!" Fernando exclaimed. "Ninã, it's important to foster important business relationships. Besides, chico, you've finished your work for the day, right? Perhaps you should take the lady out for dinner later if she has the time."

Alejandro nodded in agreement, and Heather found herself completely spiraling down a tunnel of dread that she had no control of. She fought herself not to scream in protest, since she couldn't lose a connection like him. However, that motive alone wasn't enough to completely stop her from paling when Alejandro linked her arm with his. Always so smoothly too, like a natural player.

"Don't wait up for me!" He called out to his grandfather as the two left the room. Fernando roared with laughter.

Heather's sentiments suggested otherwise.

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