Chapter 1

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A young strapping man walked by a table seating two young women enjoying an afternoon coffee. The sprinkle of a clear-skied sunlight brought light to the predatory look he was giving them. The relaxed hustle and bustle of the crowded city corner seemed to urge him to approach the beauties before him. He slicked back his hair and took a deep breath; the sweet smell of caffeine seemed to wake him up.

"If you don't have an appointment, then don't bother."

Before the man could even introduce himself, he was stopped by a most piercing voice. It came from one of the women he was planning on talking to, and she didn't even bother to turn her grey eyes his way. Rather, she held firm a stance of what one could only call regal pride. Her appearance was nothing less than striking, emphasized by the ruby red blouse she wore under her black blazer. She wore a look of boredom of his presence while her sturdy long legs crossed themselves within a modestly tight skirt, teasing him with their unapproachable. Despite her treating him like trash, the man couldn't help but try his luck again.

"Well." He tried to say, but somehow was brought to sweating submission before this woman, "I'd like to make an appointment for some other time then, yeah?"

"Oh, aren't you cute." He was interrupted again, this time by the woman's friend sitting across her.  "Sorry about Heather, but I don't think you'll be getting her attention anytime soon."

The second woman smiled at him, and he felt his heart stop once more but in a different way. She beamed with the sweet charisma of a woman who knew how to talk to people. With a better look, he could see how she hid a fairly curvy figure underneath her grey business casual attire. Despite the light bouncing off her warm, dark eyes and the sun reflecting off her brown hair and mocha skin in a friendly manner, she wasn't entirely keen on him disturbing their conversation. At the very least, she'd be cordial about it.

"Courtney Satella J.D., corporate lawyer at Hatchet & Co Firms. Give me a call if you ever need to sue somebody for a million dollars." She gave the man her best business woman smile as she handed him her card.

Honestly, the poor guy was a little overwhelmed by the aura of the accomplished beauties before him. He had shut up and froze up. So much so that when Heather bid him away with the shoo shoo motion of her hand, he did not retort. Rather, he seemed to walk away smiling, happy to at least have the business card.

"You're way too nice, Court," Heather declared, once the stranger went on his merry way, and took a sip of her coffee.

"Can you blame me? Just look at him," Courtney smiled as she pointed her thumb behind her. "Oh yeah, he's definitely a new and upcoming celebrity fiasco waiting to happen. And when he's done his first movie and his secret lover is trying to sue him for a baby that isn't his, who's he gonna call?" She answered her own question by pointing at herself, her smile turning knowingly wicked.

"Really? I don't think that kid has what it takes." Heather answered honestly. After all, it was her job as a publicist to have an eye for the stardom power of people. "Too soft around the edges. The pressure would eat him up for breakfast."

"Pffft, don't make it sound like I wasted a business card." Courtney sat back on her chair, finally take a sip of her own drink. "So, what's up? It's pretty rare for you to call me out for lunch by yourself." 

"I can't invite a friend for coffee? What kind of bitch do you think I am?" Heather chuckled as she set down her cup. "But you're right, I kinda need you for some advice. Job advice."

Courtney perked up, intrigued. "I'm listening."

"This modeling agency that I work with is planning on changing CEO's soon. Before, I'd get paid a retainer fee for every project. But a little birdie told me that the new boss is vying to put outside help on fixed fee billings instead."

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