Chapter 3: Unknown Figures in the Dark

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A/N: Starting off this chapter with the last thing that happened in the last chapter. Doing this to make it easier for my readers that actually had to wait the week long intervals and can't remember the events from last chapter! But anyways hope you enjoy!

Previous Chapter:
Nejire's POV
"You wanted to talk with me, Mr. Principal? Did I do something wrong?"

Nezu laughed at the last question. "Oh heavens no, I just wanted to ask you a question related towards the events from a few days ago...what are your thoughts on Izuku Midoriya?"

"My thoughts on Izuku Midoriya? What do you mean?" Nejire tilted her head to the side in confusion (Like the picture on top!). The small rat-bear principal of U.A just smiled and started to reword his question so that she could understand.

"What I mean, Young Hado-san, is when you saw him fighting back against his classmate that night, what did you think?"

"That night? How did you know I was there Mr. Principal?" Nejire took a step back at this revelation. She hadn't told anyone else about that night except to her friends, Mirio Togata and Tamaki Amajiki, and they aren't the type that gossip. Nezu noticed her taking a step back and his black eyes glint in excitement, almost like he knew how she was going to respond before he asked the questions.

"Oh, you should know by now that this school's security system is top notch, beaten only by places such as I-Island (1) and Tartarus. We have eyes everywhere and it just so happens that you popped up on one of our many cameras bots that night." Nezu paused dramatically, letting his words sink in before he continued.

"So I will ask you again, what were your thoughts on Izuku Midoriya during his fight with Katsuki Bakugo?"

Nejire was thinking on how to respond to the principal's question. She knew she couldn't lie about her not witnessing the fight and she was already told she wasn't in trouble. She just didn't know how to answer his question since she wasn't really sure on what she thought about him and what had happen that night.

Flashback Start

Nejire was walking around the 3rd year dorm area with Mirio and Tamaki, talking about their day with their respective Pro Heroes that they worked with. Mirio had started talking about Nighteye and Bubble Girl and how they haven't found any clues on their target villain who seemed to be involved with an old school gang from before quirks started. Though Tamaki wasn't much of a talker, Mirio and Nejire were able to understand that he and Fatgum weren't really doing much yet, they had taken down a few villains, but nothing that serious as Mirio. Nejire happily told them that her and Dragoon Hero "Ryukyu" had only caught some small time villains and had saved a few people from a hostage situation.

Once they grew tired, they went their separate ways, Mirio and Tamaki to the boy side and Nejire to her side. On her way, she said hi to a few of her friends. When she got to her room, which happens to be furnished with many teal blue items like her bean bag to her sheets and curtains, she laid down on her teal bed hoping to sleep but after a few minutes she knew she probably wouldn't be able to.

Ever since she woke up earlier this morning, she's had this feeling of excitement. She doesn't know how to describe it, it's almost as if the world was trying to tell her today was special, which is weird since the entire day was pretty normal. She did get to see a few more quirks but besides that it was your typical day at U.A High.

She got up and looked out her window to look at the stars and hoped for a sign of why she had this feeling. After a few minutes, she slowly starts to go back to lay on her bed when she notices something that catches her attention. In the tree line, not so far from the dorm itself, she could see two shadows walking towards the general direction of one of the many huge training areas at U.A High.

'Who was that? Nobody should be outside their dorms at this time...maybe their villains? But why would villains go to City Gamma?'

She looks up to see if the two figures were still walking towards the training grounds. She rushes to her closest and pulls out some dark clothing (2). When she finishes changing, she opens up her window and jumps out, using her quirk to land safely on the ground, two floor below.

She starts to creep her way towards the two waking figures, noticing in the moonlight, that both seem to be about her age but she can't really tell. One is moving a bit faster than the other, the one in front walking angrily, there eyes focused on the general direction of the training ground. The other person behind him is walking at a much slower pace, his feet dragging against the dirt, his head lowered.

She kept a certain distance from the two since she didn't want to be too close where the two would see her but not too far where she could lose them.

A Few Minutes Later...

They finally reach the edge of the tree line and the small amount of light hit the figures as they walked towards the entrance to the city. The first figure was a spiky blonde guy who was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants. The other person was another guy with messy dark hair with green streaks at the end. He was wearing a teal shirt and aquamarine shorts and some dark red sneakers.

'I feel like I've seen the two of these two somewhere...for sure, I know that blonde boy is the winner of the U.A Sports Festival for the first years. The other boy though...'

She looks closer at the second boy and notices the large scars on his hands. She recalls a certain greenette boy from the Sports Festival who was using his quirk to the point where both of his hands were broken just to help his opponent from some personal issue.

'He must be that boy...but that doesn't answer the main question, why did these two come here for?'

She asks herself as she starts to tiptoe her way to follow the two, but...


Continue in Part 2...

A/N: Wanted to put this here to explain a few things that I did in this chapter that might confuse a few people on why I made it the way it is.

1) I-Island: I wanted to hint my maybe 3rd story which might revolve around something from the BNHA movie. You can guess what it is but just wanted to put it out there.

2) No Costume?: Didn't make her wear her costume because I assume that they aren't in possession of their costumes and would have to ask the school for permission.

Sometimes A Few Years Can't Stop Love (Nejire x Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now