Chapter 1

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     (Y/N) POV

     Van and I were at the airport. I was about to leave for my tour in America. "I'll see you when you get back," Van said and kissed me goodbye. I hugged him. "Bye. I love you." "Love you, too." 

     Flashback end

     I just got back from the States. The tour ended sooner than I expected so I wanted to surprise Van. I unlocked the door to the apartment Van and I shared. I entered. All the lights were off. "He must be asleep," I muttered. I walked into our room and switched on the lights. Van was with another girl in our bed, kissing her all over. I was too shocked to move.

      They stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "It's not what it looks like, (Y/N)." He said. "Oh, no. It's exactly what it looks like. I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll be on my way," I said and left the room. "(Y/N), wait!" He yelled after me but I continued to walk away. I grabbed my suitcase and opened the door to the apartment and left.

      I stood on the sidewalk and waited for a taxi. Van came out of the building. "(Y/N) don't do this." He said. "Don't do what? Cheat on your girlfriend that you have been with for over 2 years? Destroy the trust of someone you supposedly loved?" I said coldly. "I'm sorry. It was a dumb mistake." Van responded. "No. This wasn't a mistake, Van. You woke up this morning and chose to fuck that girl. You don't choose to make mistakes," I said as a taxi drove up to me. "So, answer me this question. How long has this been going on for?" I asked. By the look on his face, you could tell that it has been going on for a while. I got inside the Taxi. "Take me to the nearest hotel, please," I said kindly. "Yes ma'am." The taxi driver said. I picked up my phone and called Shion. 

"Hey, Shion. Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, consider it your welcome back present . "

"Tell Raging I'm resigning."

"Wait, what? Why?"

"Ask Van." 

I hung up.

     I got to the hotel and booked a room. I paid and received the key to the hotel room. Before I went to my hotel room I noticed a white piano in the waiting room. "Can I use that?" I asked the woman behind the desk gesturing to the instrument. "Go ahead." She said.

    I figured I might as well play my feelings out instead of going straight to crying. There was no point in wasting my tears on an asshole who clearly didn't give a shit about me.

     I sat down and began to play the first movement of a piece I learned a while back called Sonata No. 2 in B flat major, Op. 35 1st. 

     As I was playing, I heard footsteps coming near me. I stopped playing once I saw the four people in front of me. I recognized them as Quartet Night from Shining Agency. "(L/N) (Y/N), right? From Raging?" said the guy with brown hair I recognized as Kotobuki Reiji. "Formerly," I sighed. "Formerly?" He asked. "Yup," I answered. "Can I ask why?" He responded. "You could. I can't guarantee I'll give you an answer though," I said with a slight laugh. "I'll take that as a no."

"On a side note, (Y/N), you're really good at piano," Reiji said. "Thanks. I'm still a little rusty though" I said. "You're not half bad." I heard the person that I remembered as Kurosaki Ranmaru say. "You think so?" I asked surprised. "Yeah," Reiji said. "I don't want to pressure you or anything since you just resigned from your agency, but if you ever need an agency you can contact Shining" Reiji gave me a small business card. "Thanks. I'll think about it." I replied. 

     After Quartet Night left, I went to my room, too. 

     I took a look at the card Reiji had given me. Maybe joining another Agency won't be the worst idea.

     The next morning I turned on the television. "Popular idol, (L/N) (Y/N), just resigned from Raging Agency. The reason is still unknown but some suspicions say----" I turned off the TV. 

     I got my phone and called the recording studio. "Hey, Hide. I need to come over to the studio to record a song," I told the manager of the studio. "Okay. All the equipment will be set up for you." He said. "Thanks. I'll be over in a bit." I hung up. I gathered my things and left for the studio.

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