Chapter 34

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     (Y/N) POV

     It was finally time to see who won the competition. My heart was beating so fast. I could only wish for the best. After Leiko fainted, the whole crowd was surprised to see her up on stage and performing. The fans also had to wait an additional hour or so because Leiko fainted onstage and performed a song so she could convince Raging to make her an idol. Well, the point is that it was finally time to announce the winner for the competition and I was a nervous mess. 

     "We apologize for the inconvenience. The winner will finally be announced!" Shining said. "We have a tie for second place!" Raging announced. "With 49 points, we have STARISH and HEAVENS in 2nd place!" Shining and Raging said at the same time. Which means..... "In 1st place with 63 points is Quartet Night!" No way... "We did it." I muttered to myself. 

     The event ended and the crowd exited the stadium. We were off stage. "(Y/N)! We won!" Reiji said as jumped on me. This time I let him. I patted his head. Reiji let go. I looked around the room. HEAVENS and STARISH looking slightly disappointed but they had smiles on their faces. I went over to my other bandmates. Everyone was congratulating us. 

     We were all talking while waiting to go. I walked over to where STARISH was. "Well played guys." I said to them. "Thanks (Y/N)." Otoya said. "I guess we lost our winning streak." Syo said. "We did our best though!" Natsuki said. They all nodded. 

     After a while, Shining and Raging told us to get on the bus to go back to the master course building. "Wait. What about our stuff?" Syo asked. "What about Saki?!" Ranmaru and I asked in unison. "We had it moved back to your dormitories. As for Saki, Hyuuga and Ringo decided to take her so she could watch all of you perform." Shining explained. Ringo came over to us holding our beloved cat. He handed us the cat and we tackled her with a huge hug. "They love that cat too much." I heard Eiichi say. I gave him a glare. "Did you say something?" I said. "N-Nope!" He said with a nervous laugh. Everyone else laughed. 

     We got on the bus. This time I sat next to Ren. Masato and Ranmaru were in the same row as Ren and I so Saki could be with both Ranmaru and I. Just then I got a call from Shining. "(Y/N). Just to inform you, your dorm number is no longer 42. Since we have more idols coming in, you will have to share a suite with Ren. The new number is 58. Please let Ren know as well. Thank you and goodbye." He said and hung up the phone. "What the..." I muttered to myself. "Who was it?" Ren asked. "So..... Shining wants us to move into a dorm together for more space." I explained. "At least we'll get to spend more time together." He said in his signature flirty voice. What was I expecting when I fell in love with this guy? "And I'm assuming there'll only be one bed." He whispered in my ear. My face flushed. "I-" I couldn't say anything. Ren makes everything way more awkward than it needs to be. I karate chopped his head. "Y-You idiot." I said. He just chuckled. 

     We stopped so we could drop off HEAVENS. Leiko was the last one. Before she left, she gave me a hug. "Thank you, (Y/N)." She said. "Can't wait to see your first concert." I said. She left the bus with a huge smile on her face. 

     After another 10 minutes we got to the master course building. "The room number is 58." I told Ren. We began to walk to the room. 

     Once we got there, I saw all my stuff already set up. We looked around. It was a nice place and it was pretty big too. Ren and I went into all the rooms and the stuff in there was mostly unnecessary. One room was an actual movie theater. When are we going to use that? The bathroom was ginormous, too. There was even a kitchen, living room and office. Ren looked as if this place was completely normal. Then again, he is rich so I shouldn't be surprised.

      We then walked into a small, plain room. There was nothing special abouth this bedroom. The sign on the door read 'Guest Room' . 

     We finally made it to the last door and we entered to see a huge bedroom. The walls were a blue color that appeared gray. The bed was huge, with many pillows. There was a bathroom connected to it and it wasn't any less huge than the other one. Lastly, there was abig walk in closet. When we walked in, we saw that all our stuff was in the closet already.

     "I guess its too late to claim rooms, huh?" I sighed.

     I felt Ren's breath next to my ear. "Looks like you're stuck here with me, with little to no privacy." He said in a flirtatious manner. I felt a shiver go up my spine, my face was as red as a beet. 

      "You're such a pervert." I said, trying to hide my stuttering. 

     He turned me around. "You still love me though." He said, hands on my waist.

     "Yeah, I do." I said and kissed him softly. "Well I'm gonna take a shower." I said as I walked into the closet to get my clothes. I walked into our bathroom but stopped in the doorway. "You better not come in and try to look. " I said as I closed and locked the door.

     I finished showering, half an hour later. I came out wearing my pajamas, which consisted of a tank top and shorts. Ren was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at his phone. He was wearing a white tank top and a pair of sweatpants. 

     "What are you looking at?"I asked him curiously, while sitting next to him.

     "Aww. Are you jealous?" He asked in a teasing manner. Oh no. I was not going to be one of those girlfriends. I'm not gonna look through his phone and stalk him. I was not going to pester him by knowing his every move.

     "Umm...nope. You don't have to tell me. I mean you do need your privacy so-----" He cut me off by brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

     "I was just kidding. I have nothing to hide from you so don't worry about invading my privacy." He said. I was shocked, my eyes wide.

     "How---" I started to ask him.

     "I know you better than you think I do. Anyway, it was just the guys checking in on how we were settling in. Also, a lot of teasing." He said as he showed me the messages. He right. There was a lot of teasing. 

     I let out a yawn. Ren got up. "Go ahead and get in bed. I'm just gonna brush my teeth." Ren said .

     "Aren't you going to take a shower?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes.

     "No. I'm going to shower in the morning." He said and then gave me a kiss on my forehead. 

      I pulled the covers from under the pillows and laid down.

     Ren exited the bathroom and turned off all the lights before climbing into bed. When he was finally in bed, I put my head on his chest and my arm around his torso. He put his arm around me in response.

     "Good night, Ren. I love you." I said quietly.

     "I love you, too, (Y/N)." He said and then we both drifted off into our dreams.

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