Chapter 22

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     (Y/N) POV

     When I was about to go to sleep, I made sure to turn off the clock that had my alarm set for tomorrow since we had the day off. I plan on sleeping as much as I can as I've come to realize that sleep in a luxury in this industry. Shining also told us no cameras will be rolling tomorrow, either. We'll be able to be us, with no restrictions.

     I woke up that next morning at around 7:00. I was supposed to be sleeping in but I woke up earlier than expected. I thought I was going to sleep way more. I did all the things I needed to, take a shower, get changed, brush my hair, and stuff. I went to go sit on the couch and look at my phone. I hadn't looked at it in since the bus ride. A lot of stuff had been going on. I had more than 100 notifications. "What is this about?" I said to myself quietly. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the one app all of the notifications came from. All of them were comments from the episodes with all of the challenges we did. I began to read them. Most of them were about highlights in the competition. Others were shipping people, which is sort of weird. Obviously, no one likes each other. Well, except for the whole Nanami situation. One of them said that Ren and I would make a good couple. It didn't bother me at all. Wait... Was I okay with it? No, no, no, no. Ren and I are just close friends. That's it. We don't have feelings forOne another. Plus, even if we did, we can't be together anyways. I felt myself being disappointed in the last part. Why am I feeling so disappointed that we can't be together? I mentally groaned. Why am I feeling this way?!

     Ren POV

     I was looking through comments on the episodes that were already posted. I saw a lot of comments talking about now (Y/N) and I would make a good couple. I mean, we're just friends, aren't we? Plus, even if I do like her, she wouldn't like me back. We'll probably just stay friends, anyway. My heart sank. I sighed. I like (Y/N). A lot.

     Since today was our day off, it also meant it was the staff's day off. That means nobody will be working in the kitchen so we have to cook for ourselves. Yesterday, (Y/N) and I decided to cook for everyone so a disaster wouldn't strike. I also decided to bring (Y/N) a cup of coffee I made from the coffee machine in the cabin. I had a feeling she'd forget and if she didn't, I'll drink it instead.

     (Y/N) POV

     I left to the dining area to go make breakfast since it was Ren's and my task. On my way, I saw Ren. "Hey Ren." I greeted him still feeling a little drowsy. Crap! I forgot to make my coffee. "Good morning, (Y/N). Here. Take this." Ren said as he handed me a coffee cup. "This isn't poisoned, is it?" I joked while I yawned. I took a sip of the coffee. I sighed. "Thanks, Ren. You're a life-saver." I said and smiled at him. We arrived at the dining area and went in the kitchen. "

     "So..." I said while trying to tie an apron around my body. "What are we making?" I asked. "Maybe some pancakes? We always eat super healthy foods so why not have a cheat day today?" He said as he began to tie his around him. "Yeah. That sounds good. Ugh! I can't tie this dumb apron." I said while still struggling with the strings. "Here." Said Ren while walking towards me. He went behind me and began to tie the strings on the apron. "There." "Umm... T-Thanks." I stuttered. My face heated up a little. I hope he didn't see.

     Ren POV

     After I helped (Y/N) tie her apron I saw her... blushing? Why was she blushing?

     (Y/N) POV

     We began to start making the batter for the pancakes. Ren was in charge of making the batter while I flipped the pancakes. We made chocolate chip, blueberry, banana, strawberry, and plain pancakes. I separated them into different plates and labeled them so they could get which ever ones they wanted. 

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