Chapter 23

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     (Y/N) POV 

     After that whole extravaganza, I quickly returned to my cabin. "I can't believe I just did that." I said quietly to myself. I'm going to get fired because of that stupid no-love rule! Shining probably already knows because he is an all knowing wise man. That or a creepy stalker. I really need to talk to someone. 

     I text Otoya and Ranmaru in a group chat I called, 👾bros b4 hoes👾. I don't know why I gave it that name but I did.

     (Y/N): Guys. I need you to come to Quartet Night's cabin right now! Urgent!

     Ranmaru: I'm already here. I haven't left all day.

     Otoya: I'm on my way!

     I was kind of suspicious of Ranmaru and Otoya. I don't why but I got this feeling they knew something that they weren't supposed to know. call it my sixth sense. Ranmaru had already got up from his bed and came to sit with me on the couch. Soon, Otoya knocked on the cabin door so I went to open it. "(Y/N)! What's wrong?" He asked worried. "Come and sit." I said to him gesturing towards the couch. 

     I sighed. "So, um... Ren and I, well, we.... spent the day, um, swimming." I stumbled with my words. "Oh. Wow! That sounds fun." Otoya said trying to sound surprised. "Yup. Really fun." Ranmaru said with an awkward smile. "And..... you guys already knew, didn't you?" I said with a sigh but then something hit me. They must've seen the... "We're sorry, (Y/N)! We didn't mean to spy but we had to! Plus, it was all Masato's idea! I was just dragged along." Otoya explained. "Um, yeah. That's what happened. We didn't stay long, though." Ranmaru said. "So you didn't see the...." I asked without saying the last word. I was blushing in embarrassment about what happened at the pool. "See what?" They both asked in unison. "Well, um, let's just say that, uh, that Ren and I, well, we.... we kissed." I said nervously. I began to play with my hands. "Wait, really?" Otoya asked and tilted his head. "Seriously?! I knew that he would try something." Ranmaru said. "Well, um, yeah. That happened. It wasn't really him though." I stated. "Wait. What do you mean, (Y/N)?" Otoya asked. "It was kind of both of us. We just, well, you know, went for it." I said while putting my hands in my face, still embarrassed. "Wow. Okay well maybe you should-" Otoya was cut off by Ranmaru. "Look (Y/N), I know you might feel something for him but I'd still be careful if I were you. You know how flirty he is, who knows how many girls he has lined up." Ranmaru warned. It was understandable what he was saying since I thought the same when I first met him but he seems different now. "Now, now, Ranmaru! Ren's gotten better ever since his first year at Saotome. Yes, he may be a little, you know, flirty but he can be nice. He wouldn't play with (Y/N)'s feelings like that." Otoya explained. Ranmaru began talking again. "Look, I've known him since we were kids and he's always been...flirtatious. It never really bothered me until now because its starting to affect someone I care about. I just want you to be careful, that's all." Otoya seemed to understand where Ranmaru was coming from."I wasn't looking to fall for someone new but it just ended up happening. I get where you’re coming from, Ranmaru but Ren hasn't given me a reason to doubt him." I told them. Just then, Saki jumped onto Ranmaru lap and a small smile came to his face. "Well, (Y/N). You just need to be careful. I know I said Ren was nice but love can get you into trouble in this agency. But I can tell you two really like each other so I hope it works out. At least both of you know now, right?" Otoya said. "Um, well. We didn't really tell each other that we liked each other. Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing. The reality is, I don't exactly know how Ren feels." I said. "Ren's never been the type to kiss someone he doesn't like. Even if he flirts a ton, he's never gone that far." Ranmaru said in a calm voice. His reassurance cheered me up a bit. "Thanks guys. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said and smiled at them. They smiled back.

     Ren POV

     I saw Masato on the couch reading a book. I sat down next to him. "Hey, I kind of need to talk to you." I told him. He kept his book open. "About?" He asked. "(Y/N)." I answered and then he immediately closed his book. He placed it on the table and faced me. "Okay, then. What about (Y/N)?" He asked me. "So, well, I was trying to help her overcome her fear of swimming." I told Masato. "You finally made a move?" He asked. "Anyway, we got reallyclose and we ended up kissing." I explained to him while I felt my cheeks heat up. "A little too fast, don't you think?" He asked. "It wasn't me who made the move. Well, we both did. I don't know if she just did it because she wanted to or because it was in the heat of the moment." I told him. "Well, of course she wanted to, Ren. Anyone with eyes could see that she likes you. That's a good start. Then you can progress in the relationship-" I cut Masato off. "Well, we didn't say that we liked each other." I told him. He put his hand to his forehead and shook his head. "Seriously? You should've told her after the whole kiss. Then she would feel comfortable telling you that she likes you back." He advised. "Wait. You're the one who was so big on the no love rule. How come you're not complaining now?" I told him. "I just want you to be content. So, I don't care for the rule anymore. I'll just leave Tokiya to handle pestering everyone about the rule." He answered. "Well, thank I guess? This has been semi - helpful." I said as I stood up and went to my room. He continued to read his book.

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