Ain't No Mountain High Enough

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Casey ^^


This story is not for the faint of heart.  Consider this your warning!  It's strongly suggested that you read Want first.

Casey walked along the beach digging her toes in the sand as she moved along the shoreline. The sun beat on her face and the wind rustled through her hair. She loved the fresh Maine air on their isolated patch of land, where all the locals knew everyone's name. She'd only been in this little town for a month but she loved the peace and quiet. It was a lot different from the hustle and bustle of her if her life only weeks ago. It had been a life full of glamorous people and wealth beyond anything she could imagine. But among all those beautiful and fake smiling faces, she'd been nothing more than a caged bird.

Here she was free. Free from fear. Free from pain. Free from them.

The sun was finally on the horizon and it was the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen. She wished her dad was here to see it with her. She remembered when she was little and he said he'd take her to a proper beach one day, and not the shitty lakes in their state pretending to be beaches. No, a beach on the coast with seashells and big waves.

Casey used to dream of the beaches and finally at the age of twenty-five, she finally made it. Her stomach rumbled and she laughed. It had been a long time when she felt actual hunger. With a sigh, she walked to the boardwalk and put her sandals back on before walking the few blocks to the small diner that had become her favorite since she'd come to this little town.

By the time she got there, a few of the regulars were already there with cups of coffee in hand. This was a first come first serve diners so she didn't have to wait to be seated. She took the booth in the back because it had a nice view of the beach and it granted her the privacy that she'd come to value in the last few weeks.

"Morning hon. How are you this fine morning?" Edna one of the waitresses asked.

"I'm good, thank you."

"Your usual bacon, eggs and seafood hash?"

"Yes please."

"We do have other things on the menu dear."

"I know but what can I say? I like what I like. Besides, the seafood hash is so delicious. I could eat it for every meal."

Edna chuckled. "It is good. Cook will be happy to hear the compliment. I'll go and get that order for you."

Since Casey came to this little town she pretty much kept to herself. She bought her groceries at the corner store and spent her days reading, sleeping and sitting on the beach. Her visits to the diner were the only time she interacted with anyone.

Some of the locals attempted to chat her up to find out her story but she kept her answers vague. There was no telling who she could trust. Besides, she was only here temporarily until she received a call that would tell her where to go next.

This was her life for now. Moving from place to place just to be free. This by far was her favorite place. She loved it here and it would be a shame when she had to pack up and go.

Edna returned with her plate ten minutes later and sat it down in front of her. She licked her lips in anticipation. She'd never heard of seafood hash before visiting this dinner but it was absolutely divine but little potatoes, onion, green peppers, shrimp and crab meat season with old bay. It was divine. She couldn't get enough of it.

She was just taking a bite of her food when she noticed that Edna didn't leave right away. Casey looked up curiously. "Yes?"

"I forgot to tell you. I think someone came looking for you last night."

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