Author Note

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I first must apologize for disappearing without an explanation. I'm certain this year has been tough on most of us and I'm no exception. Covid is no joke. Had a few family members and friends who have had this illness, most of them pulled through, unfortunately a couple did not. The world has gone absolutely mad and it doesn't help that there's a toddler in charge of this country. So basically I've been keeping myself at home while trying to not spiral into a deep sea of depression. My life has consisted of Netflix, homeschooling keeping my life as stress free as possible. I've been doing things that bring me joy and unfortunately writing stories on Wattpad isn't one of them. Around the time of the murder of George Floyd, all these companies came out in support of black lives matter and that's all good but talk is cheap. Words without action mean nothing so it surprised me to see Black Lives Matter on the front page of Wattpad. That was a surprise to me considering how little it supports its black authors. Going through all those paid stories it's rare to find many authors of color not to mention we are not promoted at the same level as our white counterparts. So do black lives really matter to Wattpad or is that just talk? All this to say it gave me food for thought among other issues I've had with this site.

This is one of the reasons among many I will be taking my stories down with the exception of Fire and publishing them. The first book I'll be releasing is the Game coming out next month. This isn't to say that I won't be back because I have plenty of stories in my head. I could always change my mind when I'm in a better headspace but for now this is the best decision for me. I will keep everyone posted on when these stories come out. I would like to shout out Smauggy who has always continued to be a huge support.

Thanks everyone reading my stories and I hope you will continue to on a different platform. 

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