The Beginning

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Jakob ^^


Casey was tense for the remainder of the car ride. She secretly hoped that Jakob and Ben would take her to a hotel which would give her a slight chance of escape. But instead, they ended up at a small airport where their private jet awaited.

"Let's go," Jakob ordered when Karl opened his door. Casey couldn't move, didn't want to. All she could think about was the hell she'd face when she went back to Germany. Her body refused to cooperate. She clenched her hands in her lap and remained in her spot.

With an impatient sigh, Jakob gripped her by the arm and practically yanked her out of the car. Casey figured she was already in trouble so she saw no point in making this easy for them. She made her body go limo but to her frustration, Jakob lifted her off the ground and threw her over his shoulder.

 She made her body go limo but to her frustration, Jakob lifted her off the ground and threw her over his shoulder

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She squirmed against him and pounded her fists on his back. "No! Let me go, you bastard!" she screamed in frustration.

"Never!" He smacked her on the ass. Hard.

"Son of a bitch," she screamed.

Ben walked alongside them with a smirk on his face. "I love it when she's feisty. Seems like she's been away too long and she's forgotten."

"She'll remember soon enough." Jakob carried her down the runway and walked up the steps to the plane. Casey attempted one more time to be free. "Please, just let go. The two of you can have any woman you want. Just leave me alone."

Her plea was met with silence as she was taken inside and tossed on the closest couch. She had no chance to scramble to her feet because Ben slid next to her and hooked his arm around her waist. "Relax beautiful. It will be a long flight. You might as well get some rest."

Jakob went to the back of the plane and pulled out his cellphone and almost immediately started barking something to the person on the other line in German. Casey had gotten a better grasp of the language over the past year but was too distracted by Ben's hand slowly moving up her thigh to catch what was being said.

Ben had always been the more reasonable of the two brothers though that wasn't saying much. Maybe, just maybe she could somehow make him see sense.

"Ben, please. The two of you have had your fun. Like I said, you two can have any woman you want."

He cupped her face in his hands and she forced herself not to flinch away. "You're right, we could have any woman we want and have had any woman we wanted but now we want you and we're going to keep you."

"Why can't you see reason? I'm one woman, not the last slice of pizza you can split."

Ben laughed. "As I've told you before you're not the first woman we've shared. You're just the first we intend to keep."

"Why? What more do you want from me?" she demanded.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her temple. "Everything."

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