In Your Eyes

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Casey sat in the back of the luxury sedan, with Jakob on one side and Ben on the other. She tried to make herself as small as possible so that she wasn't touching either of them but they both made a point to each press a muscular thigh against hers, making their presence known. She'd tasted freedom for a few months only to have it snatched away and she wondered what she'd done in a past life to deserve these two brutes in her life. Was she a former Nazi? Did she lead an army to wipe out a tribe of Native Americans? Was she a slave trader?

Jakob placed his hand on her knee. "How long did you think you could run from me? Run from us, schmetterling?"

"I was hoping forever," she replied boldly. She figured she was going to get punished anyway so she might as well speak freely.

Ben chuckled. "I see you're in a joking mood. We will see how funny you are we get home." He gripped her by the hair forcefully twisting her head until they were facing. He covered her mouth with his pushing his tongue past her closed lips.

She remained as still as she possibly could.

He yanked on her hair so hard she cried out. "Kiss me back," he growled.

This time when he pressed his lips against hers, she returned it. Ben was heavy into kissing between the brothers, more into the romantic stuff which made him dangerous because there were times when she would drop her guard and around him and that's when she got a reminder of who he really was. Jakob, on the other hand, was not so subtle. He immediately went for the main course leading no doubt of what he wanted.

Jakob moved his hand up her thigh and slip a finger inside the waistband of her jeans. "You broke the rule, schmetterling. You know don't like it when you wear pants. I bet you're even wearing panties, aren't you?" he whispered against her ear.

She whimpered as Ben captured her bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a nip before pulling away. "I think we should remedy that."

Casey shook her head. "Please. Not here." She looked in the direction of the driver who seemed to be doing an excellent job of minding his business.

" She looked in the direction of the driver who seemed to be doing an excellent job of minding his business

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Jakob smirked. "Karl doesn't mind. He will do what he is paid to do, nothing more. As for you..." He unfastened her pants and yanked them down.

She wanted to fight them but Casey knew it was pointless. She'd tried before to no avail. Besides, whenever she fought them it seemed to entice them even more. The perverts. They were in a moving car, heading to god knows where and she didn't have anyone she could turn to. If she managed to get in contact with Sunny, she doubted her friend would be much help. She was certain that Sunny didn't rat her out but these two gremlins had still managed to find her. It felt like she had nowhere to turn. Would it just be better to give in to the inevitable? She liked it better when these two were fighting each other but now that they had decided to team up, they made her twice as miserable.

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