[💋/☁]Todoroki x Male Reader

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Today was just your average day, other than the fact it was your first day in U.A. You finally managed to get transferred from your old school due to how you were getting treated. Fortunately, you passed the written test with ease and did pretty well on the physical and got placed into Class 1-B. You were lucky enough to only walk, well limp, away with a sprained ankle and a couple scratches.

Carefully, you made your way to the new class and softly slid the door open seeing as you were in recovery girls' office most of class. The teacher who you were told was Vlad King, paused his speaking and glanced over to you. "There you are (Y/N). I was wondering when she would let you come to class." You smiled and limped in. "Sorry for interrupting."

"Yeah. You should be sorry." A blonde boy said crossing his arms. A red-haired girl hit the back of his neck right after he said that. Vlad King gave you a seat close to the front and continued with his lesson. You hadn't realized it but you were sitting next to the red-haired girl. She passed over a note and you read it.

Sorry about him, he does that to everyone. I'm Itsuka Kendo.

You smiled and wrote back, careful of getting caught.

It's fine, I'm used to it :)
I'm (L/N) (Y/N)

She smiled as she read it and wrote back again.

Nice to know your name! I'll meet you properly after class.

You read it and nodded to her saying OK.

---End of Class---

The lunch bell rang and you stayed in your desk waiting for everyone to clear out. Before you stood up, someone held out their hand to you. You looked up to see Kendo. "Oh hey again." You said taking her hand. She pulled slightly which told you she was trying to help you up. You carefully stood up and the two of you shook hands after.

"You can call me Kendo by the way." She said as she walked out. You followed and walked with her. "And you can call me (Y/N)." She smiled and looked over to you. "Cool. Oh, and how did you get that mark on your face? I know its a sudden question since we just met but it looks like it hurt." She said referring to the scar over your left eye. "Huh? Oh." You reached up and gently rubbed the rough skin under your eye. "I have no clue. It just showed up one day when I was a kid." You said with a shrug. "Really? That's weird. It looks a lot like Todoroki's scar." You tilted your head at his response. "Who's that?"

"Him." She pointed to a boy with half white half red hair. You couldn't see his face till he turned and the left side of his face had a scar identical to yours. "I mean hey, soulmates are a thing. Maybe he's yours~" She teased and you rolled your eyes. "Please. I just got here and know no one besides you and some of the heroes that work here." The two of you walked by the boy who you now know was named Todoroki. He watched the two of you as you walked by considering he noticed the scar identical to his own. Kendo lead you over to her table and the day went on as usual just with a few more friendly faces.

---End of the Day--

You were carefully limping your way out to the dorms when someone grabbed your arm and pulled you aside. "Ow- Hey!" You didn't manage to catch your balance but whoever pulled you had caught you. You looked to see Todoroki's cold gaze staring down at you. As carefully as you could, you stood up and stuttered out an apology. "Where did you get that scar." He said staring at the left side of your face. You shrugged. "I don't know.. It just showed up when I was a kid." You said looking away from him. He huffed and walked off, leaving you confused before you continued to the dorms.

{MOVED}Soulmate AU - Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now