The Battle Begins!

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Reaching to the depths of the forest as told by Mr. Bubble, the young couples have made their stop in the middle of brushes and trees that had the smell of fresh air. 

"I-I'm so tried." Lucy complained with her last breathe as she slid herself down against a tree and took out a container of icy cold water, gulping down a few drops as she stood back up and walked over to Natsu handing it to him. He took it gently from Lucy's hand and gulped some drops in as well but stayed on guard. Lucy handed back to her belongs and placed the container back into her bag when suddenly a gush of harsh wind came storming by, causing the trees to clap hard and loud. 

"Somethings coming." Natsu warned as Lucy stood up looping her arms through the straps of her bag and holding tightly onto her keys. As Natsu was sniffing out the yucky smell of dark magic he scenes something where Lucy was standing and called out.

"Lucy, watch out!" He raced over to her as he grabbed a hold of Lucy and into the brush they went. 

"Are you alright, Lucy?" 

"I'm fine." Lucy replied as they slow got up and to face a beast with a flow of that yucky smell that Natsu has scene. Natsu giving the beast a disgusted look approached towards the beast molding his power and getting ready for a fight. The beast looked like a young man but had a mask on and dark magic sizzling around his body and had a sword attached to his back. He was wearing clothes that didn't fit him revealing his chest and his right hand dangling from the large opening. The beast showed no interested in Natsu until he saw Lucy walking behind. The beast grinned with evilness as Natsu stood like a wall in front of Lucy making her stop walking any further. 

"Lucy stand behind me. But don't let your guard off." Natsu ordered as Lucy nodded as she stopped and but kept her guard on. Recalling back before they took off to the Balsam Forest, they were aware of what Mr. Bubble had warned that if we had kept our guard off, we will become his easy prey and their will be no other chances. Battling the beast means you won't be able to get out of his territory, until one falls. 

"Here I go!" Natsu said clutched his fist with flames starting up and approached to the beast with his dragon punch. The beast dodged it like it played no effect and instead approached to Lucy. Lucy fasten her key and pulled out Virgo, a zodiac spirit, she appeared with her usual maiden dress and asked her usual question. 

"What would you like me to do for you today, princess." Before Lucy could say another word, the beast have already pinned Lucy against a tree with his own hands. Lucy, having a rough time to breathe, she struggled her way to avoid staring into the beast's eyes which, she has come to realized, it drags her power's away.

"Princess!" Virgo vanished away returning back into her key as Lucy had come to realized that her power is being sucked away from her body. Looking beyond the creature, Lucy tried her hardest to stare at Natsu which he was rushing over as soon as he can. 

"LUCY!" He called out as Lucy uses up her last enough to try to call back but already, her strength and power have been given to the beast. Now he was fulled charged. Making Natsu pissed off, Natsu was fired up. 

"Why didn't I think of that?" Natsu felt ashamed and regretted leaving Lucy behind. But it was to late to say such thing. He had to think of a plan to get him away from Lucy. 

"Oi! You over there!" Natsu said as the beast turned towards him. "If you wanna fight. Come over here." Natsu added as he blasted his flames. The beast had turned his attention to Natsu but remained speechless. Suddenly, the beast raced over to Natsu with well speed. Natsu grinned and rushed over towards Lucy's direction. When Natsu have made it over to Lucy, he carried Lucy within his arms like a bride. 

"N-Natsu...I-I...fe-el...weak..."Lucy said as her face stared to turn pale. Her keys stopped glowing causing all the spirits to remain inside of their keys and unable to get out. Lucy as well is turning pale. 

"I know." Natsu said as he placed her back down with his blanket wrapped around her, hoping keeping her temperature warm. 

"Your no hero." A voice said. Natsu scanned around to find the voice's owner but their was no one around expect the beast. "Your no hero." the voice repeated as Natsu had located the voice belongs to the enemy. 

"Who are you to say that?" Natsu asked him as he stayed himself on guard. 

"You can't even protect the one you love." He replied as he walked front just a little and lifted his mask up just a little revealing his grin. Natsu swallowed causing him to fear and a cold shiver tickling up his back. Natsu can only remember a person being able to make him feel this way. 

"Natsu, do you remember me?" He asked as he took off his mask revealing his true identity. Natsu took a step back as he had recalled back his memories of him. Peter. 

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