1: Dusk With A Deal

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Chapter 1: Dusk With A Deal

It wasn't like she cared about her life anymore. All her life had been a burden, from the day she was born. So now she stands at a crossroad, summoning a demon. Sure she had a family. Everyone has one. Her feet plastered to the dirt, kicking up rocks and debris as she waited for the deal to strike.

"Oh, screw this life." She muttered before she placed the box into ground. "It's not like anyone's going to miss me."

She was ready. Her life was pointless. She'd been hurt mentally and physically by someone in her family she trusted, cheated by countless amounts of boyfriends and most of all she just had been a victim to abuse her entire miserable life. 

"Hello, darling, what brings you to the king of hell's crossroad?" The short man with a Scottish accent appears in front of her.

Scarlett tapered her toes closer to the man and made a quick grim smile. Of course it was forced. She never smiled. She had no reason to be happy. Life had fallen apart at the seams faster than she could stop it.

"I'm ready." The man's features slightly flickered with confusion. She fought the urge to roll her eyes and run her painted crimson nails through her thick curls. She elaborated, slightly annoyed at the crossroad demon. "To sell my soul. It's not like anybody will care anyway." She huffed.

For a moment the Scottish man frowned before upfronting his soulless face. Human emotion? Bullocks, stupid Moose. He made him feel more human like. The king hadn't been human since before he sold his soul for a bigger dick size. He clicked his tongue and said." Alright. We just have to seal the deal."

The Scottish man's puckered as he slowly leaned in to seal the deal with a kiss. The ginger-redhead released the breath she was holding and leaned closer to the demon, his glowing black eyes enticed her.

A snap broke the tension, appeared a charming man, strong build with a carematic smile and emerald green eyes from the woods. He looked like he'd been aged quite a lot. From afar Scarlett could tell that this man had been through trauma in his lifetime. It was shown in the man's pain green eyes.

"Don't!" He warned, Then sending the demon a snarl.

"Squirrel, find another deal to squash." The demon's accent thick, hardened his black eyes.

Scarlett stumbles back. She wasn't appealed by the man's eyes. Hell she knew he was a demon but she didn't think that his eyes were so dark.

"Crowley." He dared, stepping into the deal center, causing the demon to reach out and about to snap his finger before he stopped.

He stared for a second, surging the woods for any hikers. It was Dusk but some humans like hiking in pitch black. He had to give them props for that. It took bloody guts to brave the dark swallows.

"It's the King of Hell!" The king of Hell roared.

She watched curiously at the scene unfolding in front of her. Then it all started to make sense. She noticed holy water in the man's boot, a knife in his coat pocket and a gun clenched in his right hand. This man was a hunter. She scowled at the thought. A damn hunter is stopping her demon deal.

"Oh, how cute a hunter is saving me." She laughed at the irony of this meet up.

The hunter looked up from the demon and masked a perfected scare tactic with his eyes. Scarlett wasn't afraid. No matter how hard he would try to protect her; it wouldn't work. She still didn't want to live. She never had an affinity about life. She had her time and she made her peace with that.

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