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3rd POV
Blood, Dust, and Death were the only things that Percy saw as he stumbled through the battlefield trying to get to his friends.

He reached the area that Leo was only to find him face-down in a small puddle of water, drowned. Percy's leg burned with pain from when an empusa got a lucky strike when he was focused on the screams of Hazel as she was crushed by a giants foot, purposefully too.

Percy was given no choice but to duck as an arrow came flying overhead, and he got up again he quickly turned around and threw a trident made of water at the empusa behind him who tried to stick him through with an arrow. It shrieked as the trident went through it's chest before bursting into dust. The trident vaporized a second later and Percy turned around to see Piper with the arrow that he had dodged stuck through her throat. She had been coming over to try and save him from the empusa, but hadn't expected for Percy to duck and cause the arrow hit her instead of him.

It would've been too late for either of them to try and save each other anyways as Piper would've gotten beheaded by a Cyclopes' club if she were to live on. Percy fell to the ground as he stumbled over to where Piper lay. Resting her head on his lap as the light faded from her eyes.

Then he exploded, and a wave of water washed over the entire battle area slamming into monsters as a giant wall of water, killing them instantly, and going around allied people that were with with Percy and the Gods. Percy saw the countless Demi-god bodies that littered the battleground, and Gaea now had enough blood to rise, in the cruelest of ways.

Annabeth looked at Percy as a suit of earth covered her as Gaea took over her body. The earth also covered the gods' feet making them all unable to move, even as they tried to tear out of the dirt. Like Poseidon, Artemis, and Athena did as the gods tried to get to their children, with Artemis and Athena trying to get to Annabeth, And Poseidon trying to get to Percy. But they were all stopped as Gaea made Annabeth pull out her knives, one Annabeth's and the other an earthen duplicate as she walked towards Percy.

"This is for the trouble you've caused me otherwise I would've years ago" she said just as she neared towards Percy. Gaea made Annabeth, who tried to resist as much as she could, but was powerless against the Primordial, as her knife and the earthen knife that Gaea had replicated, swiped through the air towards a shocked Percy, but to Annabeth's relief Percy came to his senses and blocked with his sword just in time, but only one knife was locked with Percy's blade and the second, the duplicate came around the other side with the earthen knife and stabbed him in his waist. Percy narrowed his eyes, gritting his teeth in pain.

"You're going to regret inhabiting my girlfriend Gaea" he said and kicked Gaea away as Annabeth smiled inside; that's the person Annabeth was hoping to see, but Gaea just twirled the knives and shook Annabeth's head against her will.

"No I don't think I will" she said and for the next ten minutes Percy held his own, not wanting to cut or hurt Annabeth at all. Even if the earth would self-consciously heal her and Gaea together. But Annabeth's body started to tire and her swipes became slower, less powerful, and Percy saw his chance. He dropped his sword and rushed her, getting in her guard just as Gaea made Annabeth raise her knives in the air. She dropped her knives in the impact as Percy tackled her and pinned her to the ground. He was also bone-tired, but he found his endless reservoirs of strength inside of him and he relied on those. He forced her arms down and pinned her legs and waist with his weight, and she started to laugh cruelty, evilly.

"You may have won this battle, but you'll still have to live with the loss of your friends, family, and maybe even your own" she said and then the earth forced her up into the air and a spike shot out of the ground faster than Percy could react and went through both Annabeth's and Gaea's heart causing Percy to fall off in shock at the height difference and the speed of the spike.

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