Chapter 6

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3rd POV

"How could that kid possibly beaten us" Tony said pacing around the room, and Steve, Clint, Natasha, and Parker were all holding ice-bags to different places in their bodies. 

"We don't know for sure that it's a kid Tony, for all we know he could've been using a voice scrambler" Natasha said and Parker sighed

"We don't even kno--" 

Mr Stark, your results are in JARVIS' electronic voice blasted through Parker's voice

"Ah, finally" Stark went over to his desk and clicked a button on his remote and the same screen slid out from the wall and showed a target on the forest, and Tony went up to the screen and turned to everyone "so while we were fighting I had JARVIS analyze the chemicals on the cloak and it turns out they are based off of this forest, so our mysterious person must be hiding there" 

He looked back at the screen and glared at it. 

"Well we can't just rush in there and expect to take him by surprise" Steve said and Natahsa agreed 

"Especially since this person seems to be able to sense our presences, so what do we just send one of us in and try to reason with this person" she said "after all they've only been targeting crimes and bad people"

"Wait, what" Tony whirled on Natasha and she shrugged

"I went into the hospital and police records and it seems like this mysterious figure has gotten quite a few people in jail, mainly the ones that were charged with assault and attempted rape, and a few counts even have people saying that this figure could turn into a wolf at will and back" she said and Tony went to his computer and looked up what she said. 

"But werewolves aren't real" he said after looking at the results and pictures shown in the internet. 

"Maybe their a wizard like Scarlet witch" Parker said and Natasha dipped her head

"Yeah that's possible, but she only can control minds, and this figure can seemingly control water, shadows, and metal" she said "so who wants to go into the forest first" there was a flash of thunder and Thor suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 

"Oh you're just in time" Tony said sarcastically "were about to raid the forest" 

"So that means what exactly Tony" Thor said and everyone looked at him incredulously.

"Oh you want me to go into the forest and meet with him for some reason" he said picking up an apple and taking a bite out of it. 

"Yeah" Natasha said and then they filled him in on what he looked like, fought like, and sounded like, and Thor seemed to freeze at the sound of his voice like it was familiar. 

"What do you recognize them" Steve asked and everyone seemed to lean in for an answer

"I feel like I do, but I'm not sure" he said 

"Anyways this person seems to know when one of us are coming, and we think it's because of scent, but they don't have your scent yet" Natasha said and Thor whirled around his hammer. 

"Okay what do I have to do" he said and they explained what they wanted Thor to say, or go off of as a main subject, or idea. 

Percy's POV

I was practicing with my water powers when I felt a male, godly presence near, and I growled and Mrs. O' Leary looked at me in expectance, and I nodded. 

"You know what to do" I said and she ran off in the direction of them and I jumped into a tree and used the trees for cover as I quickly made my way over. I got there to see a male with blond hair, armor that wasn't Greek, Roman, or anything I had ever seen before, and a single hammer that smelled of godly power. I saw Mrs. O' Leary's glowing eyes in a shadow ready to pounce and I put my hand flat in the air as a signal to wait and I got out my bow and shot a quick arrow at his feet before changing trees and appearing over Mrs. O' Leary as I shadow-traveled. The god seemed to look around before he set his hammer down on the ground and raised his hands in innocence and surrender. 

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