Chapter 11

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3rd POV

I continued to glide on the surface of the water for a while until I saw land. My vision focused on the Avengers' plane going into the ground and I smirked. If I wasn't going to beat them back to land I sure as hell was going to beat them back inside of the tower. Once I was three or so feet away from the shore, well, brick wall that separated the water from the elevated walk-way, in which people were staring at me in slight shock and awe before they saw what I was and scattered as I jumped out of the water. Evaporating the ice-socks that I had and landing where a decent majority of them were at.

I looked sideways at them and I smirked, mortals were always scared of things that they couldn't understand. I looked back towards the tower and used my earth powers to see that they were in the elevator going up at a rather fast pace...for an elevator anyways. I locked the metal causing the elevator to go up and I spread my wings of shadows, shot into the air and into the direction of the tower. Once I was about a mile away I un-jammed the elevator and it started to go up again, but I was already in the main lobby, shifted into human form, and sitting on the couch sharpening one of my knives. I looked back devilishly as they started to come out from the elevator. 

"What took you so long" I said and Tony sneered

"The elevator had a small glitch" he said "I'm going to fix it in a second" 

"Well you know how unsafe those things are" I said only paying attention to my knives. I didn't really need to sharpen my knives, but I felt like it "I personally don't want to be caught in a metal death-trap again. Especially since it could at any moment, decide to fail and plummet through the shaft, down thirty or so feet at more than fifty miles per hour" the others paled and Tony sighed. 

"Well when you put it that way" he said "fine, I'll put a stairway up the tower" 

"Good" I said and I stood up, sheathed my knife, and made my glamour and my robe disappear, and they gasped in surprise as they saw my true form again. 

"I don't think that I am ever going to get used to that" I heard Clint say as I walked to the kitchen before opening the fridge, grabbing the pancakes, and putting the rest of them on a plate. Then, after I drowned them in syrup, I dug in with pretty much everyone watching me in surprise. I stopped eating and glared at them, making them look away, and I ate the rest and then took care of my mess, and dishes. 

"If you don't like how much I eat, then I suggest you not watch me" I said and they were still looking everywhere else but me, and I just sighed and growled lowly and walked out of the room before flame-traveling to the pool and diving in immediately. 

A shadow opened up at the corner of the water and a head, a Hellhound that I knew all to familiarly, came out and grabbed my shirt before dragging me through the shadow to who knows where. I came out in the middle of a forest, and I looked around and froze. I was just outside of the camp's borders, and I ducked as Mrs. O' Leary came barreling in my direction. Wait I wasn't supposed to even be on Long Island, under oath

"Lady Styx, please explain as to why I am not dead" I asked and she rose out of the water and shrugged. 

"As being our champion, the effects of our rivers, power, and oath is null and void" she said and I stepped forwards as she stood and started to 'sink' into the water. 

"So I can" I started and she nodded

"You no longer have an oath to go by, and in so can go anywhere you want. No limits" she said and I smiled and thanked her before turning to Mrs. O' Leary who was sitting patiently inside of the Camp's border. I shifted and playfully lept at her, and for the next couple hours we played, running around the camp, sounding like fighting animals. Then Mrs. O' Leary broke away and something jumped out of the shadows and started to attack me, no someone. A face that I hadn't seen in a long time...Nico. He jumped out of a shadow with his sword out and rushed me, and I shifted and parried, he went high, low, and wide, but I blocked every strike. Then I blasted him with water and lent on my sword as he stood there fuming, and soaked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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