Chapter 9

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I heard the booming laugh almost immediately and I transformed into my wolf form, and subconsciously let my armor take over. Making me a walking tank of power. 

"How dare you use my friends like that" I said "following in your wife's footsteps before she was destroyed, how very low of you" his laughing didn't stop, not even as he flashed in-front of me with his full armor on. 

"You come to join my forces" he said and I roared a challenge against him

"No I've come to challenge you" I said "I, Perseus Jackson, challenge you Tartarus, Lord of the Pit, for your title, power, and throne, so that I may end this war before it starts" he smiled and got out two swords. 

"I accept your challenge" he said and then he was next to me in a flash, and I shifted into my human form as the twin blades came down where my head and heart were in wolf form. I cot out Tempest and Aurora, and they easily cut into his calves. Then I blocked a strike and deflected another coming for my leg, and cut across his chest. 

"Ah someone's imprinted have they" he smiled evilly, and I paused. What did that mean, I haven't imprinted on anyone. He took advantage of this and came behind me with a sword at my neck, and another one against my back. I guessed he shrunk the second one to the size of a knife otherwise I would be dust right now. I growled. 

"What does that mean" I growled and I dug my toe-claws into his foot making him pull back roaring in pain and rage and I knocked away the knife flying towards me and knocked him down before stabbing his wrist holding his sword and putting my foot on his chest with my swords at either side of his neck, in scissor form. I growled showing my silver teeth and he laughed darkly under my hold. 

"I mean you're wolf hasn't realized it yet, but you have a mate" I closed my swords around his neck tighter growling in annoyance and trying to hide my surprise, and failing "see you don't even know it yet, but your new mate is now surviving off of the bond that you made between you, oh how she will long to be with you, but sadly she's in a coma right now isn't she." 

He was talking about Artemis, and I conjured a knife in the air and let it sink into his shoulder as I kept him in place with my foot and swords. 

"No, Artemis can't be my mate" I said "I already had the love of my life, but she's dead, Annabeth is dead, and I can't get her back" 

"No, that was before your change into a werewolf, and who was the first to make the bond between each-other" he smirked, he knew that Artemis had blessed me when she found out about what had happened "unknowingly you and her both created a bond with each-other that can never break, one of you is in danger the other feels it, even if they don't see it. Of coarse it takes a couple months to form, and that's why you couldn't protect her from Orion's arrow, but you are the one keeping her alive, your bond is keeping her to this world, not Apollos healing, not her strength, your lifelines are connected, and sadly in order to kill one you have to injure both" 

I've had enough, and I let my blades cross, and they slide cleanly through Tartarus' throat and he smiled as he crumbled into ash, and then I was blown back by an unknown force. When I landed on the ground I was cast into a sort of vision, but I wasn't asleep. I could see every monster in my body!

I quickly got up and looked to where I had killed Tartarus, and there was nothing there, I could also see the monsters of earth, and the ones underground, in shadows, and in the air camouflaged. I screamed in pain as they all exploded from unknown, or known reasons as I saw some get an arrow, sword, or something else that was cast into them to kill them. Then my vision went dark. 

When I woke up I looked at my hands to see that nothing had changed, and I noticed that my ring-finger's claw had turned a molten lava-like color. The color of the area I was in, I couldn't call it Tartarus anymore since I had apparently gotten his abilities, I didn't know that the challenge would do that, and once I got up I growled in pain as all of my muscles, bones, and tendons flared with unexpected pain. I fell into a shadow and flew out and into a small pond, the water healed me and re-energized my body.

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