Platform 9 3/4 and hogwarts.

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Sky's pov

I woke up in the morning to find it's 6:51 Am.Slowly,I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower,waking me up.I climbed out of the shower, looked into the mirror and began combing out my hair.when my hair was as smooth as silk,I put the comb away.I put my under clothing on and then got into a white t-shirt saying 'I am always right' and a pair of jeans.I then wore white converses and a white and blue beanie over my red wavy hair. 'Perfect' I thought to myself.

I made my way to my room and spotlight flew over to me,onto my shoulder.I gave my room a last look around.

"Good bye,room."I said with a sigh.

I looked at my trunk and made it come over along with spotlight's cage.

"So,we off to Hogwarts then?"She asked.

"Yeah"I replied smiling while i let her into her cage.

I ran down the stairs,my belonging in the air behind me.Walking into the kitchen i made breakfast for everybody as Aunt jasmine was not down yet and it would be doing her a favour.

When i wad finished every body was down,ready to eat breakfast.After breakfast we gathered all our belongings and apperated to platform 9 & 3/4. When we got there i stared up at the great Hogwarts express.I can remember last year,and the year before that,when Vlad and Viktor were going. I remember sulking over the fact that i couldn't go.And now,now that it's my time to go,i'm really nervous,almost scared.....pft.Why am i worrying.It's not like voldemort's gonna come back and try once again to kill me and Harry. Right?

I looked over to see that a boy of my age with messy black hair,round glasses and green eyes entering platform 9 & 3/4 along with the weasleys.

"HARRY!"I screamed.

"SKY!"Harry screamed.

We both ran across the platform and embraced each other into a tight hug.

"Missed you soo much,big bro."

"Missed you too,little sis."

Me,harry and the weasleys walked back over to my family.once we all said our good-byes we went into the train.It's so exiting!i can't believe u'm actually going to hogwarts!!!

"Let's sit here"Austin said,gesturing to an empty compartment to our left.

We all went in one by one.I sat at the window seat,kneeling my head against it.

The compartment door slid open and ron came in.

"Uh,can i sit here?"He asked.



"Of course"

"Come in"

"Thanks"he said sitting in between Austin and Layla,opposite me and harry.

"So,you harry potter?"


"Well i'm Ron Weasley."He said as they shook hands.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

"No,i'm all packed"Ron said taking a dodgy looking,soggy sandwich.EEEWW!!!

"We'll take the lot"Harry said,eying rons sandwich warily.

So we had the whole trolley to our selves.I picked up two chocolate frogs,handing one to harry.

"Thanks,uh are these real?" Harry asked as the box began to shake.

"No,they're enchanted to hop around like real frogs"I said."You know i still can't believe that the Dursley's told you nothing of magic.They have been really harsh."

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