The sorting!

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Sky's pov

We got out of the boats and walked to the huge oak doors.Hagrid knocked loudly thrice.the doors swung open at once.A tall,black haired witch in emerald green robes stood there.Oh,thats Minnie-oops,i means professor McGonagall.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall,"Said Hagrid

"Thank you,Hagrid,I will take them from here."

She pulled the door open wide. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts,the ceiling was too make out, and a magnificant marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors.

We followed professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor.I could hear the drone of hundreds of voices from a doorway to the right-the rest of the school must already be here-but we were shown into a small empty chamber of the hall.we crowded in,standing closer together than we usually would have done,peering about nervously.

"Welcome to hogwarts,"professor McGonagall said,"the start of term banquet will begin shortly,but before you ake your seats in the great hall, you will be sorted into your houses."The sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within hogwarts.You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your housr common room.

The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.Each house has it's own blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bladi bladi bladi bladi blaaaaaa......" I tuned out after that, it was just sooo borring.(A/N Actually,i just couldn't be bothered writing it all.)

"I shall return when we are ready for you,"She said as i tuned back in,"please wait quietly"

I noticed harry trying to flatten down his hair,failing,hermione dusting her robes down and Delilah applying some mascara and gloss.I just ran my fingers through my hair and applied some mascara and lipgloss.

"How exactly do we get sorted?" Harry asked.

"The sorting hat,obviously,"I replied in a duh tone.

Harry just looked at me with a confused expression.

"sorting hat?"Ron repeated,"No,it's some sort of quest,with trolls and giants,You have to defeat them all by yourself with magic,Fred told me.He said there's even a...a.. Giant spider"he said giant spider in a whisper and shuddered.

I giggled to myself.of course Fred would tell tell him something mad and terrifying as that...I wish i get sorted into Gryffindor...well i guess any house is ok,as long as i'm not in Hufflepuff..or even slytherin but my mother and father were in Gryffindor....

"So it's true, harry and sky potter have really come to hogwarts."Drawled the irritating voice of Draco Malfoy.

He strolled over to me and harry.

"I see you've made friends with mudbloods"--he glance at hermione with disgust as i clenched my fists"--and---well well well,what do we have here"he said looking Ron up and down."Red hair,hand me down robes,definitely a'll soon find some kinds are better than others.Now i can help you there."

He held out his hand to shake

"I think i can see who are the wrong sort ,thank yo very much"Me and harry said it sync.

We stood glaring for a minute until--

"Big mistake,potters."Malfoy mumbled beginning to walk away.

"Malfoy!" Delilah called.

Malfoy turned to her, his gaze softening.

"Malfoy how did you know my name, i saw you say it in the boats"She asked him.

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