Part Five: Ilios

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Sun /sʌn/
- The star round which the earth orbits.


"Helios," my Greek mythology professor's voice boomed throughout the lecture hall. "He is the god and personification of the Sun in Greek mythology. He is the son of Titan Hyperion and Titaness Theia. And he is the brother of the goddesses Selene; the moon and Eos; the dawn."

Yet again, I wasn't paying much attention to what was currently going on in class. A few days had passed, since my ex girlfriend Elena practically ran out of class. And I was yet to talk to her again. I would see her in the halls, and would wave just to be friendly, but she would act as though I didn't exist.

If she really wanted me back like Renee said, shouldn't she have been making some sort of effort?

Work as well, hadn't been that exciting. I hadn't seen Camila since Maggie had introduced us, but I guess it was because the hotel had been rather busy these past few days.

"Anyone has anything interesting to share?" My professor paced the room, his eyes falling from student to student. "Anyone? Anything at all?"

The door opened and everyone's attention fell on the person who was almost an hour late for class; Elena. I was shocked to say the least. I figured she had dropped out of this class because technically, she didn't need it.

"I'm sorry I'm late, professor," Elena mumbled an apology. She glanced up and we locked eyes for a few seconds until I looked away.

"Before you have a seat Miss Consuelos, I was asking the class if they had anything on Helios to add, care to shed some light on the subject?" He smiled at her, as though he knew she wasn't going to be able to answer the question.

It was only until now, I realised that Elena looked extremely tired, there were dark bags under her eyelids, her eyes seemed dull, and she didn't look the way she normally did.

She didn't seem like Elena.

"I uhh..." she tugged on her bag strap. For the first time ever, Elena seemed as though she wasn't prepared for class. 'Seemed' being the keyword, until she finally composed herself and answered. "Helios was...well he was described as a handsome young man crowned with the shining of the Sun. He drove his golden chariot across the sky each day on the earth, and at nights, he would leave through the East."

She looked at our professor expectantly who nodded his head in agreement. Elena went to her usual seat, and pulled out her laptop, settling in for the rest of the class.

"Oh, and professor?" He looked up from the stack of papers he was going to pass out through the class. "The best known story in Greek mythology involving Helios is that of his son; Phaethon, who attempted to drive his father's chariot but lost control and set the earth on fire. If Zeus had not interfered by throwing a thunderbolt at Phaethon, killing him instantly, all mortals would have died."


As I said, she 'seemed' as though she was flustered and not ready for class. Whatever it was that was bothering Elena, sure seemed as though it was gone as she stepped through our class' door.

"Hey, Lauren. Wait up," Elena ran towards me. The moment class was over, I grabbed my things and sprinted out of there. I was extremely tired and wanted to get some rest before work. Lexa had to meet up with some of her other friends for a group project, so we would've caught up with each other before we headed to work.

I slowed my pace, allowing her to catch up with me. "Hey." I didn't know what else to say nor did I know what she wanted. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to apologise for how I was these past few days," Elena mumbled. She tossed her hair to the side and looked at me. "I was just going through a lot of different things."

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