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YOU TO TOM . . .

━━ 🕸️ ━━

The time you had to spend reminiscing about your little adventure with a new friend was limited. You truly didn't want it to be, but it you couldn't control how long your cruise lasted. At first, you weren't having it at all, just wanting to go home; but as soon as you met Tom, things changed fairly quickly.

"The arcade is a pretty nice place if you have nothing to do," a voice said. Tearing your view away from the blue waves and looking over to your left, you noticed a guy with a brown mop of curly hair and and sun-lit brown eyes.

"Is it? I haven't had much time to see what this thing has to offer, maybe win me over considering I'd rather be back home," you smiled, trying to start the conversation with him. "So, what are you doing up here? I managed to find this place by fifteen minutes of walking up stairs."

He smiled, a little pink tint going up to his cheeks. "I actually followed the pretty girl up here. I'm Tom, by the way," You looked around for a minute before realizing that the girl he was talking about was you.

"I'm not sure if I should be happy or a bit worried about that," You both laughed, you two feeling a spark of some sort start to ignite. "I'm y/n."

Tom's hand was lightly touching your cheek, his brown eyes staring into yours. A sad smile tugged at your lips, hoping that this wasn't the last time you'd see him. Even thought you discovered that you only lived an hour or two away from each other, the fact that he could forget about you was a little nerve wracking.

You felt like you were in some kind of romance movie, with the orange sunset behind the two of you. You probably wouldn't see him tomorrow, considering you were leaving the ship at eight in the morning, and the amount of people trying to get through crowds tended to be insane.

"It's only the second day and I feel like I've explored the whole ship," you mumbled, leaning on your little golf club. You watched as Tom lightly swung his club at the blue golf ball. Your jaw dropped as it went over the little hills and directly went into the little cup at the end of the green.

"No way! That means free ice cream for the week, hell yeah!" He yelled, flinging his arms up, dropping the club on the ground. He ran over to you, happily picking you up, hearing your laugh for what felt like the thousandth time that day.

"You'll call me, right?" Tom asked, now holding onto your hands. In all honesty, he though that you would forget about him.

You nodded, trying to hold back in a little laugh. "Of course! I should be asking you that question, really," He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why you were saying that. "I'd assume you have tons of girls on your arm at home."

He shook his head, your faces closer than ever. Your heart fluttered a little bit, feeling as if his eyes put you in some type of trance. "Even if I did, you're the only girl that's on my mind."

You watched as Tom stood up on the small stage, a microphone in his hand. A grin was on his face, motioning for you to go up and join him. When you shook your head, he pouted. The karaoke music started to play, the familiar and iconic Spice Girls track playing.

Covering your mouth, you started to laugh, seeing Tom put on a tiara that was sitting on a nearby table. He sang into the microphone, sounding entirely out of tune. He walked over to you, his eyes locking with yours, dancing and singing around you.

Tom captured your lips with his, the corners of your mouth twitching up into a smile. You realized how much fun you had during your one-week trip, and you were thankful for every minute of it.

"I'll be waiting at the sweets shop tomorrow morning, bright and early before the rush starts," Tom explained, delicately holding onto your hands. "I've got something to tell you."

"You know, you could just tell me right now." You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck.

Tom playfully rolled his eyes, adoring the way your e/c eyes sparkled in the sunset. "That would ruin the whole cliché, love story anticipation though!"

Looking back into the waves and glistening water, you remembered how you had to attend dinner with your family soon. It would take you at least ten minutes to walk to the opposite side of the ship.

"As much as I would love to stay here with you, I have to go," you explained, untangling your arms away from Tom. "I'll see you tomorrow morning though, yeah?"

He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead before both of you heading your own ways.


Nervously tapping your foot on the elevator floor, you watched as the stainless steel doors opened and revealed a surprising amount of people walking around. Stepping out of the metal box, you began to make a beeline for the sweets shop.

About to enter through its vintage-looking doors, you were stopped by someone delicately grabbing your wrist. Spinning around, you were met with a worried-looking Tom. Before you could even ask what was wrong, he pulled you inside of the shop and attempted to blend in with the crowd.

"My embarrassing brothers followed me and they've been wanting to meet you. I didn't think it was that good of an idea." Tom nervously laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what was so 'embarrassing' about his brothers. "Oh c'mon, they can't be that bad!"

As if on que, three boys stumbled into the sweets shop calling out Tom's name. It only took them a split second for him to be found.

"You must be y/n!" They all said in unison. You did have to admit, that creeped you out in the slightest bit. You nodded with a smile on your lips, shaking each of their hands while they introduced theirselves.

"Indeed I am. You all must be the Holland siblings that Tom calls embarrassing." You teased. Tom poked you in the side, causing everyone to laugh.

As you continued on with your conversation with Harry, Sam, and Paddy, Tom carefully wrapped his arms around your waist. He was happy to have you in his arms one last time before your families had to leave the ship. Although he knew he would see you again, he couldn't help but admire everything about you and wonder how he got so lucky to meet you during his vacation.

author's note
hi your girl is back with this cute ass rewrite from a request last year 🥰🥰 anyways i think i'll be taking prompt requests soon? idk maybe sksjsj

anyways I hope you enjoy this one bc i love u all so much uwu

anyways I hope you enjoy this one bc i love u all so much uwu

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