Chapter 10 - The Rogue

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Damien returned later that night. The whole compound was up in awe. Every wolf was curious about what I would do to him. Would I yell at him and make him leave again? Would I apologize for being a such a bitch? Of course, I would do neither. I'm still an alpha and I will not play weak or wounded.

I decided to give Travis the rest of the night off. It was only fair since he did the hard part of bringing back my Beta. My prison guards, Neil and Andrew, brought Damien to my office. Damien grunted when Andrew flashed me his boyish smile. It quickly faded and they disappeared behind my office door. Damien stood in front of my desk. His head was held high, proudly staring at the moon outside my window.

"I heard you wanted to see me," he spoke, more to the moon than me.

I didn't respond. I stood up from my seat and walked to the other side of my desk. His eyes stayed focused on the outer world and not me. I knew he hated me at that moment. He hated what I did to him. I didn't want to look weak or feel defeated, but I was. I stood right in front of him and lowered his head so his eyes would meet mines.

We stood like that, for what seemed like hours. I felt what he felt. Sadness, heartbreak, anger, betrayal. It just flooded off him and right into me. I tried to remain neutral, unfazed. I didn't smile. I didn't frown. I didn't feel anything. But, I wanted to feel. I wanted to feel him. I needed him.

He was about to speak again when I did something an Alpha would never do. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. I held onto him, not caring that he was too stunned to hug me back. I squeezed tighter and sighed. That's when I felt it. He wasn't going to return it. He wasn't going to do anything. A tear dropped from my eye as I realized I ruined the last thing that I had. I started to release him as I felt his arm finally wrap around me.

He was hugging me back. He leaned his head in mines and felt comfortable again, invulnerable. After everything I put him through and everything I threw in his face, he forgave me. However, I still had to say the words.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

He squeezed tighter, accepting my apology. I continued to hold him, unwilling to let go. I knew he only forgave me because of his feelings for me, not because he was actually loyal to me. Nevertheless, I will take him anyway I can have him.

Another tear fell from my eyes as he finally released me. I dropped my head so he wouldn't see me cry. Damien lowered his head to meet my eyes. He smiled, raising my chin.

"Alphas don't cry," he mocked, which made me chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and wiped my face.

"I don't know why you were so worried. You know I couldn't stay away for long," he sighed. "We have a battle to win."

I smiled, "Yeah, we do and I'm really glad you're back."

"Well...It's not like I was really going sit this one out."

"Of course," I cheered. I walked around my desk to grab a document. "You can come with me on the North side. The rogue is more likely to follow me there..."

"No," Damien interrupted me, plainly. "You shouldn't be anywhere near that place."

I stopped hard and stared at his stone cold face, "And why the hell not?"

Damien hesitated in his response. He needed to be real careful with his answer. I was completely on edge and my heat spells weren't making my hormones any better. He slowly stepped closer with a gentle face and spoke.

"You can't be there, Alex," he said, sincerely. "I'm serious. Remember what happened the last time you were out in the field. We lost a good soldier. I don't want you anywhere near that rogue or his army of unmated wolves."

I thought about his answer and he was absolutely right. I really don't need a millions wolves heading my direction. I sighed as I looked over the document in front of me. It was from Travis. He warned me that there was a traitor among my warriors. He discovered it a few days before Damien left.

I narrowed my eyes at Damien. Could this be the reason why he left? Could Damien be the traitor? Or could he be protecting me from the real Benedict Arnold? I folded the document and put it in my top drawer.

"Fine," I slammed the drawer closer. "But you better make damn sure you drag that rogue back here by the hair of his chin-y chin chin. Or, I will have YOUR head. You got it, Damien?"

He slightly bowed, focusing his eyes on me, "You got it, My Alpha."

And with that, Damien left my office without another word. Travis marched in a few moments later. He was not the smiling type, but you could see something in his eyes. It was something quite disturbing.

"What is it, Travis," I huffed.

"I see Damien is back," he announced, as I raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry if my curious is more focused on your relationship with him."

"And what concern is that to you?"

He closed my office door and whispered, "I think the traitor knows about Lucius.."

"I don't even want to hear his name again," I snapped, causing Travis to throw his hands up defensively.

"I don't mean to upset you, Alpha. I'm just stating the facts."

"So, your facts tell you that Damien is the traitor," I sighed.

"No," he simply said.

My face frown as I questioned, "Then, who else could it be? He's the only one still alive that knew about Him. Oh, and George."

"The warden?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, he's been here longer than I have. He practically lives in the cells. Oddly, he lives for justice."

"Hmm," Travis hummed as he crossed his arms and tapped his chin.

"You don't think it could be dear ol' George," I asked.

"I'm not sure," he replied. "I hadn't realized he had been here that long. He wasn't even on my list of suspects. But now..."

"Now, what?"

Travis paced back and forth, trying to thinking. He had to re-evaluate this suspect list. There was a traitor upon us, but that list was getting longer. His mind was ur bing harder than it ever did. And the smile on his face wasn't one I liked.

"What are you thinking, Travis?"

"I just thought of a brilliant plan."

"Excellent," I smiled. "Lets hear it."

He stopped pacing and looked at me with a serious expression. "I'm sorry, Alpha. But I can't tell you."

"You can't tell me," I said, pausing after each word. My wolf was just as attentive as I was.

"No," he stared, blankly. "In order for it to work, you need not know any of it. I don't want to traitor to suspect a thing. Mainly, I don't want your 'former habits' to change and tip him off."

Former habits? So basically, he's telling me that I'm sleeping with the enemy. How ironic?

"So," I sighed. "What do you suggest I do?"

Travis smiled grimly, "Nothing. I want you to continue to run this pack the way you always have. I will take care if everything. The traitor is here and I will find him. I will not let anything happen to do, Luna. And that's a promise."

And with that, Travis left as quickly as he came. Sit and do nothing, he says. I'm the Alpha and I get to do nothing while a traitor is roaming my territory. That traitor better hope that Travis find him first. If I do, death will not come swift for him.

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