Chapter 13 - Captive

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Damien barged into my office with great news. He and the other have finally captured that rogue. He brought him to my office and I did what I do best -- mocked him. He tried to rationalize with me. I wasn't having any of it. I was seconds from releasing my furious when things went south.

The rogue broke free of the silver chains that linked him to the floor. He blocked the door, so my guards couldn't come through. Then, he turned to me with those terrorizing eyes that glowing evilly and said...

"I' mate..."


Everything went black.

Those words echoed through my head as I woke up with a massive headache. After my encounter with the Rogue, my head was really spinning. I opened my eyes, noticing that I was in a huge bed. I must have blacked out, and was brought here. But, I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember anything but those irritating words.

I slowly sat up and trying to looked around. Unfortunately, it was nighttime and pretty dark in the room. I reached over to the nearest lamp. It looked new. Nothing I would ever buy. As I finally looked around the room, nothing looked familiar. Was this a different part of my house that I never bother to explore? No, it couldn't have been. I've explored every inch of my house after the incident. I wasn't taking any chances He might return. But, if I wasn't home, then where the hell am I?

Panic set in as I tried to remember what happened. I was in my office, talking to the rogue. The next thing I knew I was someone's bedroom. I scanned the room and noticed a lot of familiarity. The huge bed frame was made from the same mahogany wood as my bed. It was a king sized bed and high off the floor. The dresser and armoire matched the design of the bed. The floors were antique, hand carved Hickory hardwood flooring. Placement was different but style looked similar to...

"Oh my god," I gasped, covered my mouth. "That bastard."

No way, I thought. This cannot be happening. I jumped out of he bed and ran straight for the door. I pulled the door handle several times, before I realized it wasn't going to open. I banged on the door, trying to break it. But of course, it was made to withstand the strength of a wolf. I was furious.

I stormed across the room, pacing back and forth. How the hell did this happen? How could I let this happen?
Suddenly, the door open and my nails grew longer. A tall figure strolled it, locking the door behind him. He gave me that award-winning smile which looked more devilish than boyish.

"Morning, Ali," he said, cheerfully. "I hope you slept well."

I crossed my arms and started tapping my foot. I was not amused. My eyes narrowed at him, not wanting to say anything to him -- the nerve.

"Still not speaking to me," he whispered. "I understand."

He tried to move closer to me, but I immediately backed up. After all the years we have been fighting, I have never let my guard down around him until now. Then, this happened.

He sighed, "Are you hungry? I can have one of my guys bring you something."

I didn't reply. This seemed to anger him. Or, irritate him. He sighed again, turning to open the door. I took the opportunity to slid across the floor, faster than light. But he was ready for me. He grabbed me and sent me flying across the room, landing in the bed.

I leaped to all four, still on the bed, and growled at him. He stood their staring at me, as I waited for him to do something. Move, attack, anything. But, he did nothing. He just stood there, expressionless. His face was completely blank and his eyes were stale. I didn't know what to make of it.

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