•role~ Queen of hearts
•full name~ Alva Jean Walkner
•nicknames~ V, Al, A
•age~ 18•gender~ female
•sexuality~ bisexual
•appearance~ Mrs Courtney King•personality~ Alva is a very snotty human being, she holds her head high and has a very narcissistic mindset. She thinks of herself as higher up then those who are less fortunate then her family, and that's the main reason she was sent to the academy.
She always says exactly what's on her mind without any sugar coating, her mind is exactly where she wants it to be and she doesn't let any make her think any different then how she does.
She tends to be very close minded and stubborn, she likes what she wants the way she wants it, and won't accept anything less then perfection. She can have a sweet side, like any narcissistic ass hole, though it takes a lot to get to the point with Ms Alva. She will put everyone down around her not for the reason of making herself feel better, more so just to do it.
Alva having a rather outgoing personality isn't afraid to go after someone in public, having been kicked out of numerous schools before for fighting. Though she almost never instigates a physical fight, instead she will go after people verbally, being extremely good at finding out everything about someone, even things they didn't know about themselves.
She is very manipulative and can get anyone to do what she wants with ease. She is very impressionable and most of her personality flaws have been instigated by the people she surrounded herself with at other schools
•history~Alva is the second oldest of her household, her grandparents owning three international companies and her parents taking part in the family business the girl never had to work a day in her life. She was transferred from school to school 7th grade through 11th, mostly for verbal fightings which started as constant bullying and quickly turned into full on brawls at school. Alva has never been known as a nice person, though those close to her have always insisted she is a sweet girl. She has had the same few friends since a young age, many of them growing with her very angry personality.
At home it is always a constant battle for her parents attention from her older brother Ace. He is almost as narcissistic as his sister and is constantly trying to put the girl down, him being the main reason she's as thick skinned as she is. After having to transfer her from her 5th high school her parents decided to send her to the academy to try and straighten her out.
•likes~ Diamonds, white roses, Gucci, Versace, traveling, the beach, swimming, the outdoors, dogs, cats, hot apple cider, spring, autumn, short skirts, red lipstick, sushi•dislikes~ winter, summer, Beef, pork, chocolate cake, dark chocolate, the color pink (red is her color), most people, country music, her older brother, Pepsi products, other people wearing red
•style~•other~ I want to make her be a lot like Cheryl from Riverdale, the red was a big inspiration for that, so I'm going to try my best to make her have the same sassy personality as Cheryl :)
Hefner by Tana Mongeau honestly gave me a lot of inspiration for this character so there we go xD