•section one•_____
name~ Astra Elowen
nickname~ Elo, Asta
role~ Sleeping Beauty
age~ 23
gender~ Female
appearance~ (Charly Jordan)_____
•section two•_____
personality~ Astra has a very big, loud, extravagant personality, she's very happy all the time and is almost sways cracking a joke. She's a little ray of sunshine and is always just trying to spread love and positively. Though she can be rather.. well.. dim witted and blind to what's going on around her.
Astra is very confident in herself as a person, she can even come off rather narcissistic, having been brought up in a very loving, positive household the girl has never had an issue with self image. She thinks very highly of herself and she seems to know exactly what she wants to do with her life.
She is quiet the party animal, always finding a way to sneak out of her responsibilities and go party with whoever. She is indeed the life of every party she throws, the bubbly blonde girl never being hard to spot in a crowd.
likes~ partying obviously, dancing, playing guitar, swimming, red roses, spring, gardens, sunset, cats, the color red, no bake cookies, cooking, thunderstorms, fuzzy blankets, fuzzy socks, large sweatshirts
dislikes~ large dogs, being cold, lime green, large fish, peanut butter, dark chocolate, snow, ice, party poopers
fears~ spiders, confined spaces
habits~ Biting her lip, nails
pet peeves~ being ignored
•section three•_____
health~ Astra is in excellent health
mental stability~ Advanced
emotional stability~ Advanced
allergies~ Apples and lilac
theme song~
Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored - Ariana Grande
Bang bang - K'naan & Adam Levine
aesthetic~ I love aesthetics :)
outfit attire~
tag~ promise--
passwords~ Don't be a loser, be active