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•role~ Steve Rogers •full name~ Esai Ace Ringly •nicknames~ E, Ace •age~ 18 •gender~ male •sexuality~ Straight
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•appearance~ Milo Manheim •personality~ Esai is a big ol' love bug. He's kind and sweet, quiet literally the perfect boy, especially with the wealth that he is going to inherit from his parents, though that's his problem, his reliance on this money he's going to one day get. Having been raised in a wealthy household the man has become dependent on the money, and can be rather materialistic. At the end of the day Esai is very hard working and caring, you would never tell by just looking at him just how narcissistic he can be. His outward sweet rich boy persona has got him very far in life so far. He's very respectful and knows his place in the world, he has the biggest utmost respect for his elder especially, knowing his father worked very hard for the life they have now, Esai plans to make his father proud with what he wants to accomplish in life. That's probably another issue the man has, his goals are so high set just to make his father prove that he often pushes his body to its limit in order to train for boxing, and his studies in school strain him mentally, Esai often will get so caught up in studying he won't sleep and will forget to eat. But his nice guy personality never fades no matter what.
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•history~Esai's family hasn't always been the household name that it is. His father left home when he was only 16 to start his business. Esai is an only child, his mother having him at only 23, the man struggled his entire life with feeling as if he was a burden on his mother and father. Though when he hit high school Esai quickly became a very popular boy, star football player and wrestler, everyone knew his name and he never went dateless to a school dance. Though with that popularity came drugs and alcohol, he was sent to the academy the second time his parents found out about the boy partying at their home while they were away. He failed his drug test and off the sent him, though no one could be harder on Esai then himself, mentally beating himself up about letting his parents down.
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•likes~German Shepard's, concerts, playing guitar, lacrosse, wrestling, boxing, football, summer, his friends at home, his parents, his family and a whole, cars new and old •dislikes~ rude people, cocaine, thunderstorms, the ocean, being alone, airplanes •style~ his style varies daily honestly xD
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•aesthetics~ woot •other~ He never got into hardcore drugs, but he did party a lot and though he never really drank or did any drugs his parents got tired of his attitude toward the parties