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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUUUSSS!" You heard while feeling your bed bouncing making you pop up realizing it was your 19th birthday

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUUUSSS!" You heard while feeling your bed bouncing making you pop up realizing it was your 19th birthday

you jumped up on your bed and started twerking

"ahh it's my birthday" you screamed

"what are you-oh shit ahh fuck it uppp besstiiieeee" your best friend said and started clapping

"ahh my sis finally 19" your big sister said recording you

 "ahh my sis finally 19" your big sister said recording you

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Your big sister ke'andra💖/keke

Your big sister ke'andra💖/keke(key-Ann-drah)

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Your best friend Amiyla💎/lala

You plopped down on your bed out of breath laughing

"so what we doing today?" You asked

you didn't have anything planned for your big day so instead they just planned something for you

"don't worry about it,  just go get dressed" your best friend said making you roll your eyes

you got your face towel and drying towel then walked into your bathroom

you turned the water to hot and made sure it was the right temperature before stripping out of your clothes and stepping in

You washed up about 2 times before rinsing all of the soap off and stepping out of the tub

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