Baby girl

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Ta'miyah💓😜/my my/ miyah (tah-my-Ah)

"Tee-Tee?" You heard waking you up out of your sleep

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"Tee-Tee?" You heard waking you up out of your sleep

You woke up and looked to your side to see your baby niece rubbing her eyes

"Yes baby?" You asked as you sat up

"Me hun-gee" she said making you sit up

"What you wanna eat boo?" You asked as you rubbed your head and squinted your eyes

"I-I" she struggled making you cut her off

"IHOP?" You asked making her nod

"Ok come on so we can get ready" you said as you got out of bed and picked her up

Her name was India but you called her nana, she was 1 but she was very smart for her age

Her name was India but you called her nana, she was 1 but she was very smart for her age

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You carried India to your closet and went to the side you kept her clothes

"Tee-Tee we match today?" She asked as she looked at you

"You want to?" You asked looking at her

She nodded making you nod

"Okay" you said as you picked her clothes out

"Oh baby I gotta surprise for you" you said smiling down at her making her look up at you

"You got me presents?" She asked as her face lit up making you nod

"Yea Hollon stay right here I'll be right back" you said as you left out of your closet and walked into your room

You looked under your bed and grabbed the box that was under it

"Close your eyes boo" you said before you walked in

You walked into the closet to see India sitting on her legs with her little hands covering her eyes

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