Club (part 2)

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Osirah💕🍭/sirah (o-sigh-rah

Osirah💕🍭/sirah (o-sigh-rah

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~Last night~

"Nice car" you complimented

"preciate it" he responded

"what's yo name?"he asked

"osirah. yours?" you responded/asked

"I like dat, ma name kentrell" he complimented/said

"Thank you" you said as you smiled a little bit

you laid your head on the window and dosed off to sleep

~next morning~

Mmhhmm" you moaned in pain as you sat up with your hand on your head

"what the fuck" you mumbled as you looked around the unrecognizable room

you looked to your side to see a shirtless man laying next to you but his back was turned towards you

"ooohhh no no no no" you said as you started breathing heavy and thoughts rushed in your head

you quickly threw the covers off of you to see that you were fully dressed in a big white t shirt and a pair of basketball shorts

you sighed in relief and started to wake the person next to you

"excuse me" you said shaking him

"what?" He asked in a raspy voice as he looked at you with low eyes

Whew Chile

"um can you take me home"you asked making him nod

"yea. Yo head hurt?" He asked with his brow raised as he sat up next to you

you nodded in response so he got up and went into his bathroom that was connected to his room

while he was in there you looked around admiring the room

"This is nice" you thought to yourself

He came back in the room and handed you a pill

"What's this?" You asked as you grabbed it

"Advil" he responded sitting down

"Oh. Thank you" you said as you sat it down

You were gonna wait till you got some water to actually take it

He just nodded

"How'd I get this on?" You asked looking down at the oversized clothes you had on

"I put em on you yesterday when you took your dress off" he said making you frown a little


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