Baby girl pt 3

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1 week later

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1 week later

You sat in your bed on FaceTime with your big sister (India's mom) while she ranted on and on about her problems

"Yea, and all of this with india is just too much" she said sighing as she rubbed her forehead

"Mommy look" you heard India shout happily in the back ground

"Hey Tee' Tee's baby" you said smiling as she got in the camera smiling hard

"Hi tee tee, I miss you" she said making you melt

"I miss you too baby" you said making her smile

"Me wanna come over" she said making you nod

"Okay boo" you said nodding

"Girl you for real? Don't be getting my hopes up na" your sister said making you roll your eyes

"Girl when have I ever told you I was coming to get her and didn't?" You asked mugging her a little

"You right, I'm thinking of her bitch ass daddy" she said chuckling

"You betta stop playin wit Rodney" you said laughing

"Girl fuck him" she said rolling her eyes

"But Sis for real though I got something to ask you" you said looking at your nails

"Wassup?" She asked frowning a little

"How would you feel if India came to live with me?" You asked making the line go quite

"Honestly, I think that's best for her. I can't take care of her like you can and she does so much better with you" she said sadly

"Yea, but I mean I don't wanna take her away from you, you can always come visit if you want" you said making her nod

"But um, can it kinda happen today? I didn't want to tell you but I'm getting kicked out so I'm gonna go live with this dude for a little while and ion want India around that" she said making you shocked

"Sis you could've told me I would've helped you out" you said shaking your head

"No the thing is I wanna go with him but I don't want India around him" she said making you sigh

"I mean yea I guess. Whatever you think is better for you" you said shrugging

"Thank you sis, I love you so much" she said poking her bottom lip out

"I love you too. But the thing is I gotta come get her later tonight cause I gotta date" you said making her smile

"Ooouuuuhhh with who?" She asked smiling

"You know that rapper NBA Youngboy?" You asked making her gasp loudly

"Biittcccchhhh where you meet him atttt??" She asked surprised

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