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present day

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present day

The morning was off to a good start, the sun out, nearly blinding, as the ocean blue sky sat under it, not a cloud to be seen for miles. The melodic sound of birds chirping could be heard from near and far and a gentle breeze blew by, creating what most people would consider, a 'beautiful day'.

At least, this is what Younghyun thought. If only he could actually enjoy it from outside.

"Kang! Back to work! Those guitars aren't going to tune themselves!" He heard his boss yell from the distance, causing him to groan in annoyance. Being obedient, he went off to to as he was told, putting away the image of the perfect day that was right outside the stores windows in the back of his head.

He picked up the guitar that was still laying on the counter and began to start up at his job, huffing in frustration in the process. He thought the job would be cool to try out. It was all for the experience. Instead, we was stuck tuning guitars or or polishing the other instruments.

Younghyun wanted adventure. He wanted to go to new places and explore. Instead, he was stuck working at a music shop that barely grabbed his attention. He was stuck working for a man who was no where near passionate for music.

Why did he stay? Because, it gave him something to do and it was another way to save. All the previous jobs he had before did no use. No matter how hard he tried to stay, stuff never worked out. It was either, he did too much, or too little, or he couldn't do it. The music shop wasn't too much. It was simple yet stupid tasks that he had to do.

Sure, his boss was satan's earthly copy, but he could get through it. It was enough for him, and that was all that had mattered.

The sound of the store bell chimes through the store, earning Younghyun's attention. He turned to see a fairly tall male who wore a black baseball cap and a striped black,red, and white shirt. Their brown hair slightly covered their eyes, giving them a mysterious look.

"Welcome to No Strings Attached! Can I assist you?" Younghyun asked, earning the male's attention almost in a flash.

"I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I need anything. Thank you though." Younghyun nodded and hummed in response and headed back to tuning the guitars. As he began to think, he had realized he had never seen the male before. Usually the people who come into the shop are usual faces around the small town he lived in. Everyone knew everyone.

He had just never seen this one.

He looked up and saw the male carefully going through the album cart, sometimes picking up albums that caught his interest and the placing them back. Younghyun placed the guitar down and moved away from the counter and headed over to the male. The raven haired boy looked over the brunette's shoulder and saw he picked up another album.

"FanMail from TLC huh." The brunette jolted up and turned to see Younghyun with a small smile on his lips.

"Yeah..I like TLC. What about it?"

"Nothing really, I like them too. Look, a scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me either. They knew what they were dishing out." The brunette shook his head and stifled a laugh at the boy's cringe worthy comment.

"Wow, you got jokes mister music store man."The brunette sarcastically said, causing Younghyun to playfully role his eyes at him and smile.

"You new to these parts?" Younghyun questioned as he joined the boy in looking through the 90's album cart.

"Mhm. Very observant are we?"

"It's a small town. Everyone knows everyone here. I've just never seen you before."

"Yeah, I just came from overseas. I've lived here before but I moved away. I'm just checking out the place."

"Oh cool. Well, welcome back sergeant!" Younghyun jokingly added in, earning a small laugh from the boy. The brunette looked down at his watch and hummed, turning over to Younghyun who was still busy scanning through the albums.

"It's about time for me to go, but thanks for the kindness. Much appreciated dude."

"It's whatever. You seem pretty cool. I hope you move in just fine."

"Thanks. I'll visit more often when I get everything situated. Enjoy your day bro."

"You too man!" Younghyun said as he watched the male get himself together and head out from the shop. He sighed in content and smiled to himself as he replayed the small chat the two had in his head.


"Kang! Back to work!!"

"Alright, alright."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒅𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑱𝑨𝑬𝑯𝒀𝑼𝑵𝑮𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑲𝑰𝑨𝑵Where stories live. Discover now