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D/c = Dream car name

Bella Swan's POVWednesday - 7:23 am

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Bella Swan's POV
Wednesday - 7:23 am

'Wake up.'

I woke up. My eyes staring up at the ceiling as I held my book in my hands and listened to the rain hit my window lightly as I thought about the two families I came face-to-face with.

The Cullens.
The Mikaelsons.
-Y/n and Dominic.

They were equally fascinating. Both, weird. For some reason, they've pulled me in. I don't understand why and I'm for some reason infatuated with them. It's haunting.

There was a knock at my door knocking me back into reality and out of my thoughts. I look up and see my dad's head had pop in through a creak of the door.

"Hey, good morning. Are you sure you want to-.."

"Yeah. I'll be fine, I'll call you if I'm not feeling well." I reassure him as he nods.

"I don't get how you weren't scared yesterday. You and the other girl-.."

"Y/n." I correct him as he nods.

"Y/n. I would've pissed my pants if that happened to me." He admitted making me nod.

"Yeah. Totally." I muttered as he left my room and closed the door.

I get out of bed and get dressed then grab my bag and head downstairs, I grab my keys and quickly leave the house towards my car. I get in, start it and drive towards the diner, where I first spoke to Y/n and Dominic. I arrive and park my car as I scanned through the building in search of them only to have no luck whatsoever. I run a hand through my hair as I start the car up again and drive to school, wondering what happened to the siblings.

I arrive, park the car and get out.
Then, I heard gasps and whispers making me turn my head and see Dominic with his arm wrapped around Y/n's neck playfully as they walked past me and into the school. Girls fainted as Dominic walked past them, Boys drooled as Y/n swayed her way by.
Then there was The Cullens, they walked past everyone, ignoring them as they only spoke amongst themselves. Then, I catch eyes with Edward. He half smiles before walking past me officially and enters the school.
Now, there was going to be a lot of talk. About both the Cullens and Mikaelsons, and if they'll ever join together and become the official school/town "royalty".

I huff, grab my bag and slam the truck door shut before joining my group of friends and enter the school. My mind wonders to both the families. How they're both very attractive and only attached to each other. I thought Y/n, Dominic and Edward would be friends but I guess I was wrong.

We walk past the Mikaelson twins, Y/n and Dominic speaking amongst themselves as boys and girls fawned over them. Jessica began to squeal.

"God he's so hot! Right, Bella?!" Jessica yanked my arm, pulling me out of my thoughts.

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