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3rd POVBackward a day-Sunday - 9:34 pm

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3rd POV
Backward a day-
Sunday - 9:34 pm

"Klaus! Klaus- did you hear him? Did you hear him!?" Hayley excitedly screamed into Klaus's face, "They'll be home! Our children will be home again!"

Klaus stood so still as he tried his best to comprehend what Elijah has said.

We found a way, Klaus. They're going to come home.

Tears erupt his sight as he couldn't hold it together. His children were coming home to him. He was going to have a family again. And this time- he won't screw up.

Hayley hugged Elijah, he hugged back with a smile on his face as Rebekah and the others celebrated. Until- Davina ran in with.. news.

"It's Hope!" They all turn to look at her, "She's unconscious- I can't sense her spirit anywhere near her!"

Klaus looked up at the young witch as his face then became angry. Devilish. He was a monster. A monster with children in danger. His children.
He stood up, for over himself and teleported to Hope's special room as well as the others.

They saw her. Hope laying there. The bunny in her arms. Sweat down her face. Her hair knotted. She was unconscious. Witches surrounded her as they spoke quickly among themselves. Not understanding what's going on but having a clue. Involving the twins.

"What caused this?" Klaus spike up as the witches quieted down, "Well? I NEED AN ANSWER!"

His face became so dark and cold. He couldn't hold it anymore.

"T-the twins health a-and state. T-they're not I-in a good composure. They're in risk of death. She's being a-affected." One spoke up as Klaus listened.

He will not lose them.

"I want you to do what you can to find her spirit. And find out if she'll live. I have business." He and the others then disappeared again. Gone in a second.

They arrived in the church and stood talking.

"Open the portal." — "Klaus, we're not sure if it's safe." — "Open-..the portal."

His voice was in a low growl as he intimidated the others. They only listened as they did their spell and made it happen. The portal was open and was ready to be closed.

"Klaus- this is dangerous. You can't go alone." Marcel told Klaus as Klaus chuckled.

"Oh I will." He looks over to him, "I choose my children. It's your decision whether you'll go with me and help get them back." He looks at every one else, "I speak to all of you. It's your decision- but just know-.. this determines your loyalty to them."

He walks into the portal and disappears. The others looked at each other.

"He's right." Rebekah admitted, "They'll need us and this determines our loyalty. I hope to see you on the other side." — "I do too."

Marcel joined in as Rebekah nodded at him then they walked in and were gone.

"See you on the other side." — "We hope we do."

The Salvatore brothers went in.

Kol looked over at his brother and Hayley,
"Hope to see you there?"

He almost entered but was stopped by Davina as she whispered to him; "Bring them home." Then allowed him to enter.

"It's our turn now." Elijah said to Hayley as she nodded, "Shall we?"

Hayley took his hand and they entered. The portal closing. They were on their way to their children. To support. To help. To retrieve. Family is family. Always and forever.

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