Chapter 1 - Unlucky Little Mouse

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The aching pain in his leg restricted him from standing, he had no choice but to crawl his way to safety as soon as possible. Even though his predator was moving rather slowly, it annoyed Matt. The stalker was toying with him. Playing with him, like a cat with a mouse. He was even cocky enough to call out to him. He was enjoying it, every last bit.
Matt didn't understand. He didn't know why this man had such an intent to kill him, and he displayed that by killing two of Matt's friends - Peter and Harry. Their bodies still in the living room of the house.

They had only stumbled across the house to find shelter, they were teenagers and they thought it was abandoned. So their first thought was to check and see if there was anything they could take or sell. However, it had only ended with Peter laying on the ground with a hatchet in his chest and Harry stabbed multiple times and pinned to a wall with a few kitchen knifes. It was a horrid site, one which would send chills up anyone's spine and make them feel sick to the stomach.

Matt had finally made it through the kitchen and into the hallway, his first priority was to get out of the house. Since the kitchen and the living room was connected by a simple door, Matt had used that to his advantage while the killer was in the hallway answering what seemed to be an important call. Matt had mentally scolded him for being so stupid and leaving him, but he was obviously very grateful nonetheless. Just as he clutched a small shoe rack to hoist himself up to reach the handle, he heard the man shout out before suddenly there was a loud bang. Whoever the man was talking too must have made him mad. Matt didn't care what it was that riled the killer up so much, he was almost out. He just had to get to his car and then he was home free.

Matt opened the door as quietly as possible, even though he heard the man was continuing to talk on the phone. At points he raised his voice but not as much as the first time. The door was open enough for Matt to move through, and he did so without hesitation. Matt's car was parked almost right next to the door, but that was only because there were a few bushes and plants around that were surrounded by small brick walls. Gripping the handle tightly he opened the car door with ease. Just as Matt was going to climb in, he had noticed something out of the corner of his eyes. He focused on what it was instantly, and was only greeted with a deep feeling of despair. The tires were flat on the car, and they had been deliberately cut.

"I noticed you crawling away earlier, little mouse, but - as you can see - I didn't need to worry about you escaping." A dead toneless voice rang out from above Matt, just as he spotted a shadow moving over him. "Especially not with what happened to your leg."

Matt turned and screamed. The man looming above him had a hatchet gripped tightly in his hands. Blood smeared on both the weapon and the killer. Matt's first thought was that it was the same hatchet that he had previously seen lodged into Peter's chest. The thought, and the looming despair only made him feel like he was going to be sick.

The man was slightly difficult to make out in the dark night, but under the dimly lit moon Matt could see the shiny jet black hair and his blood red eyes - which almost seemed to glow. He seemed familiar to Matt, but he was panicking too much to be worrying about matching faces with names.

Matt, his throat raw from screeming stared up at the man staring down at him. Tears began to form in the corners of his eyes, he was right to be scared. The man above him was sinister and had secrets that he would keep and take to his grave. Startling Matt - after a long silence shared between the two men - a smirk had snuck it's way onto the tall man's face before he gave off a small chuckle. That proceeded to turn into an almost laughing fit. Matt could only stare, perhaps he was paralysed with fear or shocked that the man above him had began to laugh manically for, what seemed to Matt as, no apparent reason.

The older man had to stop for a moment to catch his breath and Matt made the biggest mistake of his life. He moved to try and escape while the man had glanced away, only to have a hand reach swiftly and clutch his hair tightly pulling him back. The killer had leaned down a bit and moved his face next to Matt's ear.
"Y'know when I was on the phone, my employer suggested I let you live. They suggested that I torture you for what you've done." Tears fell down Matt's cheeks like waterfalls, the man was gripping his hair tightly, Matt felt he was going to pull a patch of hair off of his head. What hurt even more was that the killer was wearing a pair of plastic gloves, most likely to make sure he didn't leave any fingerprints anywhere, but the plastic only tugged at his hair more. The taller man suddenly threw Matt on the ground in front of him, placing his left foot on his chest to stop him from trying to get up. "However, it'd be quicker to kill you right now. I have more important matters than to waste my time torturing you."

Gripping the hatchet tightly with both hands, the dark haired man raised it above his head. Beginning to laugh again. Matt didn't restrain, he knew he had no chance. Instead, he took one long last look at the man above him. He searched through his memories as he did all he could to identify his murderer.

Then, just as the man above him swung the hatchet down, a name - rather the name - of his killer flashed in his mind.

Viktor Kusara

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