Chapter 4 - Foreign Feelings

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Rose continuously looked down at the map in her hands and back up at the surrounding area around her. She tried to match things up, but found that to no avail. She sighed loudly, earning a few glances from the people around her. She gave up trying to figure it out by herself and walked over to a store. It seemed to be like a restaurant. There were bar stools surrounding a counter, where men and women dressed in uniform served the buyers with foods and drinks. Rose spotted a man out by the side, he was wearing the uniform but seemed to be on break, he held a lit cigarette in his hand. She walked over to the man and cleared her throat to grab his attention. Only then did she noticed how short she was compared to him, yet he looked younger than her.
"Um... Excuse me, sir?" The man turned to look at her and gave a smile. "Could you please tell me where Backster street is?"
"Hm? I'm sorry I'm not sure where that is." He dropped the cigarette onto the floor and stamped onto it with the heel of his shoe. "But you could try heading to the town square. It'll be easier to find your way once you get there. You should also be able to get a new map, that one's old, so it's no surprise that your lost."
Rose felt relieved that at least it wasn't her fault for being lost, and she remembered the taxi driver's words of Redwood Springs not being a small town. Rose shouldn't have taken that lightly. The town was bigger than she expected. "Thank you sir-"
"Jeremy." He corrected.
"Thank you Jeremy, now could you point me in the direction of the town square, please?"
"Sure." He pointed behind her and Rose felt herself frown. "Something wrong?"
Rose was silent for a moment before answering. "It's just that's the exact same way I came from."

Rose turned and started walking back the way she came, a little happier however that she at least now had an idea of where she was. Rose gave Jeremy a wave goodbye as she shouted a thank you back at him.

Jeremy shook his head slightly, a small smile appearing on his face and moved back behind the counter to continue working.


"Come on Viktor, talk to me!" Sienna was beginning to annoy the tall male. She had to jog to catch up to him. 'It's those long legs of his, that's how he walks so bloody fast.'
"What do you want Sienna? Don't you have a job you should be doing?"
"Well, the bakery is this way, so I don't have to worry too much." The woman smiled to herself, brushing a stand of hair behind her ear, even though she had made the effort to plat it. "Hey! Don't change the topic, I need to talk to you!"

Viktor stopped abruptly allowing Sienna to accidentally knock into him, he didn't move but Sienna staggered back slightly. "What's wrong?"
Sienna looked to where Viktor was staring and saw a woman. Her hair was short and brown, however a shade darker than Sienna's. She was quite tall, but Sienna knew she was shorter than Viktor, most people were. She was wearing quite simple clothing, and Sienna swore that she could see bandages on her wrist. She stared down at a map in her hands, looking bewildered and confused.
"Who's that?" Viktor asked suddenly. His voice was much quieter and softer than it previously had been. If the town square was any more crowded, then Sienna was sure she wouldn't be able to hear him.
"I'm not sure... Imma go check." Sienna said proudly marching towards the girl.

Viktor looked on confused at Sienna's actions but was soon drawn back into the girl's trance. He felt... Weird. His heart pounded heavily and blood rushed to his face. He turned to look away as Sienna and the girl began to speak. 'What the hell is wrong with me?'
He had never felt love for many people. He barely felt anything. At first people thought he was sick, his father wanting nothing more but to help him. He didn't care for his father. He felt no sadness when he left, but no joy either. He did however care for his mother, but any love regarding her was little.
"Viktor!" Sienna had called over to him, snapping him from his trance. "I'll see you later, 'kay!?"
Viktor scoffed and turned to walk away. He stopped, glancing over his shoulder to see Sienna and the girl walking down the street. He felt his face heat up seeing this new and mysterious girl. He shook his head and continued on his way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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