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I could not believe this was happening...again! Maybe there really was something wrong with me. Every time a proposal came to me and it seemed like my life was going in the right direction, something goes wrong. I could not deal with this anymore and so I decided to leave Amir's office building and just be alone. 

I ignored both Amir and Aaliyah's calls and ran right down the street to a park where I just sat. I just wanted to be left alone and to think for a moment. This was not something new to me honestly. It has happened before. Many times.

Something always went wrong with the proposal. At first I was patient, but after a while it just gets to you.

After an hour of sitting in the park, I finally felt a little better. My phones consistent beeping would not give me any peace and so I decided to just call Zaynab to pick me up. I was too tired and drained to walk home. And besides, I didn't have any money for an uber or taxi. 

"Basma?!" Came Zaynab's shrill voice. "Where in the world have you been?! Aaliyah told us you had run out on her and was missing. Where are you?" She sounded so worried.

I took a deep sigh to calm myself down, before answering. "I'm at the park. I will send you my location." I sent her my location and shut off my phone. 

I did not feel like talking about. It would just make me upset all over again.

After about twenty minutes, an unfamiliar car pulled up. The passenger window rolled down and I came face to face with Zaynab's familiar face. "Come on in" she gave me a gentle smile. 

Who was driving? I wondered.

Stepping into the backseat of the car, I saw the back of Hisham's head. 

Of course he's driving. I mentally rolled my eyes.

I was looking and feeling like a mess. I did not need perfect Hisham seeing me like this right now. ugh.

"Asalamu-alaykum, Basma", he greeted me. "Wa'alaykum as salaam" I replied. 

He did not say anything for the rest of the ride but I could tell he knew something was up. 

This is not what I need right now.  I mentally sighed. 

Once I got to my house, Zaynab stepped out of the car too. "I'm going to spend the night with Basma" she told her brother. He just nodded and looked at me briefly before driving off.

I didn't say anything to Zaynab as I opened the door and greeted my mom.

"Where have you been?!" She was angry.

"I went somewhere with Aaliyah." I told her. 

"Then why isn't she with you?" She asked. "We have been worried sick! You can't just bail on us like that!" 

"I'm sorry mama." I gave her a hug. "It's okay baby" her eyes softened.

"Well, we found you the perfect dress for your wedding!" She was really excited.

"Okay mama" I couldn't mask the hurt in my voice.

I could tell she knew something was wrong. "Whats wrong honey?" She questioned.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I will talk to you in the morning insha Allah. Good night." She looked like she wanted to stop me and make me talk but she just nodded.

I went upstairs and used the bathroom before going to my room where Zaynab was. "Okay, spill. I need to know what happened. Your eyes are red so I know you have been crying!" 

"I-" Before I could even start, my room door burst open.

"What the hell is going on?!" A disheveled looking Nimo barged in.

I let out a heavy sigh, falling onto my bed. I covered my eyes, wanting to be invisible. I did not want to talk about it. 

"Well?" Nimo asked, clearly impatient. They were both looking at me intently. They obviously wanted answers. 

"The wedding is over guys." I didn't meet their eyes, just looked at the ceiling.

"What? What do you mean?" Nimo asked, confused.

"The girl from the bridal shop is his cousin." They looked surprised. "And they're apparently in love and he wants to marry her and not me."

"No way!" Zaynab was shocked.

"Way." I replied in a small voice. "He told me so himself".

"I guess it makes sense now why his dad was not happy and why the girl treated you that way." Zaynab said.

I just nodded.

"Can we please change the subject now? I just want to forget about this."I pleaded.

Thankfully they listened to me and started talking about something else. They both stayed with me for the night. Even though my room was full, it made me feel just a little bit better. I'm glad they stayed with me because if I was alone, I would just keep thinking about Amir. I definitely needed their distraction.


When I woke up the next morning Nimo was already gone for work and Zaynab and my mom were in the kitchen talking. 

"Asalamu-alaykum" I greeted them, grabbing a bowl for cereal.

"Wa alaykum asalaam", they replied.

"How did you sleep honey?" My mom asked, looking concerned. 

"Im good mama", I assured her. 

"Well, Amir and his family are coming over tonight. Apparently its urgent so be here right after work." 

What? Why would they come? Rubbing salt in the wound perhaps? 

Zaynab and I looked at each other and she just sighed. 

"What is it?" My mom asked, noticing the looks we gave each other.

"Nothing mama, I will be here."

Oh boy. This should be fun. Note the sarcasm.


I can't believe im updating this story after THREE years! I lost the password for this account and to be honest I completely forgot about this book. But I am back now. And insha Allah I will finish this story. Stay tuned guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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