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"So Basma, have you made your decision yet?"

"Yeah, I..."


"Yeah, I have decide to marry Amir."

Everyone was silent for few moments and than Mama and Amir's mom started clapping and cheering. They began talking wildly. They looked really happy, hugging and laughing together. Amir, like always looked nonchalant. Absolutely no expression on his face. I hope he wasn't going to always look like this. His dad on the other hand looked really annoyed. He carefully reached for his cup of coffee and began to drink it slowly. He didn't say anything to anyone. He went to perch on the window, looking outside.

I don't think he's very happy about me saying yes.

"Oh! Congratulations!!" Amir's mother came over to me and pulled me into a giant hug and I couldn't help but smile.

"Basma go change and we will take pictures!" Mama shooed me away to my room.

"But I already changed," I whined.

She gave me "the look" and I immediately ran upstairs.

It took me twenty minutes to change into another outfit, and by the time I came back downstairs everyone was taking pictures and laughing, although Amir had no expression on his face and his dad did not join in.

"Basma, come come come!" Amir's mom rushed me over to them. "Come stand by Amir. First we'll take a picture of the both of you and than we can take a picture of all of us. But... who will take the picture of all of us?" As soon as she said that, there was a knock on the door.

I stepped out of the picture, and went to answer the door. Zaynab was standing there with a giant bag in her hand and smiling at me, although she looked like she had just been crying.

"Zaynab, asalaamu alaykum," I greeted her.

"Walaikumu salaam," she replied.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh. I wanted to talk and...stuff. Plus I brought some food," she lifted the giant bag in her hand.

"Um..we have guests over," I hesitated.

For some reason, I didn't want her to know Amir was here. I especially didn't want her to know, I said yes to the proposal. Not yet anyway. I was afraid she would tell Hisham...but then again, why did I care?

"Basma, who is at the door?" Mama asked from the livingroom.

"Zaynab," I answered.

"Good! She can take pictures for us!"

"Come in," I opened the door wider.

Zaynab came in, and we headed to the livingroom, where everyone was still in the same stances. Zaynab took the camera from Amir's mom and waited patiently for everyone to get ready. Once we were all ready, she snapped a few pictures and handed the camera back to Amir's mom.

"That was perfect!" Amir's mom clasped Mama's hands in her own. "Welcome to the family. You do not know how happy this makes me," she beamed. My mother nodded, agreeing with her. They seemed to be getting along very well.

Amir's dad still did not look happy. He was sitting on the sofa by the window now, nursing his cup coffee he'd been drinking the entire time he was here. I wanted to ask him why he was so unhappy, but I decided against it. I did not want to get reprimanded.

"Basma, i'm going to see them out. Why don't you and Zaynad clean up? After that you girls can do whatever you want." Mama told me, grabbing her coat and leading everyone out.

I nodded, and Mama went to see them out the door.

Zaynab did not say anything the whole time we were cleaning, and that made me nervous. I wanted to know what she was thinking. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but I didn't. Hopefully she will tell me what is wrong. We both silently moved around, picking up items here and there. Once we were done, we went to the kitchen where Zaynab had her bag of food.

"What's up?" I finally asked her.

"You said yes?" She asked.

"Um..yes. I did Istikharah and I felt that this was the right decision," she shrugged.

She was quiet for a few moments before she nodded. "Okay."

"So I came because I was the only one home, and I was bored." She shrugged. "Latifa and her kids went back to their house and Hisham is at the Masjid."

"Where's your mom?"

"Her and Baba are visiting my grandparents."

"Are you going to stay the night?" I asked her.

"I was hoping to," she shrugged. "I don't want to be home alone."

"What's the matter? Is it about no one being-"

"No, it's...about something else." She bit her lip nervously. "I really need to talk about it with someone but...I-I don't want to be judged for it?" She said the last part like a question.

"Well, what is it?" I perked up.

"It all started a few months ago," she began, taking in a shaky breath. "I met this...guy when I moved here." She paused to look at my facial expression, but continued when she saw it was blank. "We...we started talking and it was good," she smiled. "Everything was good until I got a call this morning from his phone. He began talking and he was slurring his words. The line went dead and..." she trailed off, scrunching her eyes up. "And what?" I prompted. "T-this girl answered. A-and she was giggling and s-she said they were b-busy and she hung up." Zaynab was crying at this point.

I didn't really know what to do.


"I know what you're going to say. Dating is haram and I shouldn't have done it and whatever. I know but...I was stupid! I already broke up with him. If Hisham finds out he will kill me."

"Zaynab, it's okay. It's all behind you now..." I trailed off awkwardly touching her shoulder.

I was terrible at comforting people.

Zaynab nodded and I went to the cabinet and grabbed some tissues for her. Neither of us said anything for awhile. Zaynab let out shaky breaths once in awhile and I ate the food she brought. I offered her some but she said she didn't want to eat.

"Do you want to go upstairs and watch something?" I asked her cautiously, not wanting to set her off.

She nodded.

I grabbed the bag, some drinks from the fridge and followed Zaynab to my room. She immediately went to lay on my bed and I sat on the bean bag. I was sifting through the movies when I heard Zaynab say something quietly.

"What?" I asked her.

"Do you like my brother?" She repeated?

| - |

I know I said I wouldn't update until next week, but I decided to take a break and write for you guys. I hope you like this chapter even though it's short.

What do you guys think of expressionless Amir or his angry father?

Zaynab and that dude?




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