Chapter 2: Dream

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Nightwhisper was done with his walk and returned to the village. His dream was fresh on his mind, he knew that he wanted to go to Snowden more than he wanted to stay in Woodburrow.
I should make a mental list just to make sure that I'm not making a mistake. Nightwhisper thought. Now let's see pros and cons of staying at the village or following my dreams. Well, my best friend is at this village. But, he doesn't make me want to stay here enough. I wish he could come with me. At Snowden, it's really cold and I could die. But I was born there so I should have thick fur. Also, I could become their village blacksmith.
Then he decided, he would go. Nightwhisper walked up to Pike. The silver tabby smiled at him and greeted him with a purr.
"Hey, Pike I need to talk to you in private." The wolf said. Pike nodded and took Nightwhisper to his den.
"So, what's up?" The Persian asked.
"I've been thinking; you know how I've dreamed of being a blacksmith?" The wolf asked. Pike nodded.
"Are you thinking of becoming Minty's apprentice?" He asked. Nightwhisper shook his head. Pike looked puzzled.
"Then what are you thinking of doing?" The silver tabby asked. The wolf inhaled sharply, closing his blue eyes.
"You won't like this but, I'm thinking of moving to Snowden and becoming their blacksmith." Nightwhisper answered. Pike's blue eyes widened.
"But I don't want to lose my best friend to the bitter cold." He said softly. Nightwhisper put one gray paw on Pike's shoulder.
"I won't; you forgot, I was born in Snowden!" He exclaimed.
"But you only lived there for a short time..." Pike whispered.
"It doesn't matter. I was born in Snowden, therefor I have thick, cold-proof fur." Nightwhisper said. The silver tabby frowned for a moment and their blue eyes locked. Pike's eyes burned like twin balls of sapphire fire.
"Promise me that you'll come back someday." He demanded. The wolf nodded.
"I promise." Nightwhisper promised. The two hugged and the wolf's tail wagged for a moment. Pike stood on his toes to whisper something to him.
"You survived a plague; you can survive a little snow." The silver tabby whispered. Nightwhisper smiled.
"Thanks old friend." The wolf said. Pike got back to his feet.
"May Tawnya guide your way and keep you safe." He purred.
"You too." Nightwhisper said. They both walked out of the den and to the entrance. A crowd gathered around.
"What's going on?" River asked. Pike turned awkwardly to the older cat; I mean, it made sense she was older than him yet he was chief.
"Nightwhisper is leaving." He answered. Shocked gasps came from the crowd.
"Why are you leaving!?" Bramble demanded.
"I don't want to stay here; my parents are dead and I want to pursue my dream. I'm not happy here, I only have one friend." Nightwhisper sighed.
"What's your-" Bramble was interrupted by a yowl from the crowd. The animals parted to reveal Forest.
"For the love of Tawnya! Let him go! He isn't happy here!" She yowled. A few animals murmured; Bramble even turned to River and murmured something in her ear. The wolf have her a grateful nod and the animals turned back to him.
"If you truly wish to leave; we can't stop you." Bramble said. River nodded and so did Pike. Osprey lowered his ears and muttered something. The wolf strained his ears to listen and caught a few things.
"That boy is gonna die... no way for him to survive in the cold... he'll be dead by dawn... the Ravens will peck out his eyes... surviving a plague doesn't..." by then, Nightwhisper had stopped listening, He didn't need Osprey's negativity. He turned around and stalked off, but Osprey's words stuck in his mind.
Am I really cut out for this?

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