Chapter 3: The Snake

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Five years later....
SunShadow and MoonShadow were now both 15. They were still orphans because no one wanted to adopt the two screwups. DawnFlower and IceWater never looked at them anymore and DawnFlower had even stopped feeling pained for what IceWater had done. When the husband of the child/children doesn't want them anymore, the wife has no say in this, even if she wants to keep the child/children.
The two clearly knew that DawnFlower didn't want to give them up.
They had been living in the prisoner den since IceWater had given them up. The two didn't mind how bad it smelled or how bad it was crafted anyways. They had each other for warmth on the nights where the cold wind blew through the weak, misshapen wooden planks.
The wounds that IceWater had given them scarred and were now 6 angry, jagged wounds. (3 scars on each brother's chest.) but they didn't mind anything anymore.
NightShadow grabbed his dagger and sharpened it on a rock. He was fed up of IceWater. He had had his fill of the black cat's love to DawnFlower. He narrowed his orange eyes to see how sharp he had made his blade. The blade was as sharp as The Killer's fangs. He chuckled to himself grabbed the blade with his tail. NightShadow had trained himself to do so, so he could stab in a way that the victim could not see.
He crept out of his den. It was midnight and the moon was in the sky, casting its watery light over the village. NightShadow's paws were extremely silent as he stepped across the short grass to IceWater's den. He crept in and saw the black cat sleeping with his former wife. He scowled and crept closer.
NightShadow quickly covered IceWater's mouth and stabbed him in the neck 5 times. The black cat hung limp, his slitted green eyes beginning to glaze over. His face was in a permanent expression of surprise and pain. He dragged the body out by the scruff toward Pine Town. He went into the pines.
He dropped his body and crouched down, pawing at the earth. After a while, a had a grave dug. NightShadow brought IceWater's face up to his.
"In the end. I win and you lose. DawnFlower is mine. So sorry. Your sons were embarrassments but mine was a true warrior until he disappeared I hope you roll in your grave." He then dropped the body and kicked him into the hole. NightShadow covered the hole and pricked his ears.
DawnFlower was right behind him, with slitted lime eyes.
It was morning. DawnFlower had told JadeWhisker about NightShadow murdering IceWater. He would be sentenced to a painful death from The Killer. SunShadow had tagged along in the patrol for NightShadow's death sentence. He walked with a small group of animals. They had tied the purple and yellow cat's limbs together with a strong rope. He would not be able to chew through it before his gums bled.
They approached The Killer's cave. It was like a regular cave but it was really tall and halfway underground.
"Ah. Here is the patrol. Come to feed me? Come forth. I promise I won't bite!" The Killer chuckled. His voice was high and shrill.
SunShadow swallowed nervously and went down the tunnel with the other animals. There were all kinds of skeletons and crushed bones in the cave. In the middle was a large green snake with black eyes and yellow irises. He had golden underscales.
This was The Killer.
The snake that would take the life of NightShadow.
And possibly the whole party of animals.
His twitched his scaled tail and grinned mysteriously. The animals went forward and threw the doomed cat at the large snake. He fell on the hard dirt in front of him. The Killer hissed in glee.
"Thank you! Oh! Thank you! I promise to spare your lives as long as you bring me more later on in the month! Now shoo!" He waved his tail to dismiss the party.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief and left.
He didn't want to stay there anymore. He went to MoonShadow.
"Brother, we need to leave. We aren't wanted here and I don't feel safe anymore," SunShadow whispered. MoonShadow nodded and stood up. The two went out of the village.
Several years later, SunShadow made a gang full of wolves, chupacabras, dragons, cougars, and cats. He was leader with MoonShadow as Co-Leader. They went on to pillage, plunder, and raid.
They went on to be apart of The Taken.
The End.

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