Chapter One: Introductions

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Protectors of Crystal Haven

One fateful day, four girls met for the first time and created something much more powerful than magic, they created friendship.

Amber Molten-Glow was a 12-year-old girl with fiery golden red hair, shining hazel eyes, a cute freckled nose, and a beautiful golden brown skin tone. Her dragon Spark, was a large rust red dragon with yellow tipped wings and bright golden eyes that glowed with pride. The two were flying over to Amber's new boarding school, where she would learn how to use and control magic. On the way, Amber had to apologize to some fairies when Spark accidentally sneezed and almost burned them to a crisp! Once she arrived at her new boarding school, she would learn how to use the amazing powers she had been gifted. Amber was a communicator, meaning after hearing only a few words or noises she could speak any language. Currently, she only knew fairies, unicorns, and dragons, but hoped that she would learn many more at boarding school. So after she apologized to the fairies, she scolded Spark for not taking his allergy medication.

Meanwhile, 12-year-old Piper and Willow Pyregaze were twin sisters who both had white hair, golden sienna skin, and beautiful shining eyes. Willow & Piper had different eye colors, Willow's eyes were bright green, and Piper's were unique, one was magenta, the other was bright yellow. Piper was a harmonic purser, she was gifted with musical abilities of the highest order. Willow was a nature nurturer, she had strong connections with animals and the woods. The two girls were riding in their shiny glass carriage while their unicorn's escorted them to school ( Sylvie is Willow's Unicorn & Unity is Piper's unicorn). All the while Sylvie and Unity pulled the clear glass carriage, Willow, Piper, Willow's luggage, and Piper's luggage through the forest.

While Willow and Piper were riding through the forest, not far away, Rosaline Farglade sat upon her pet stag, Avalon, while her other woodland babies carried her luggage. She was struggling to stay on Avalon, but Rosaline was determined to master stag-riding, Even though it is not as easy as riding a horse. Rosaline had been told only three months before that she would be attending a "prissy pink princess" school. She was the opposite of thrilled, even though she was allowed to bring Avalon, she wasn't excited about going.

As she rode toward her certain doom, she thought about being a knight and fighting against enemy intruders. She would much rather be a knight than a princess. Rosaline had her own special magic, of course, all royals do. She had the power of showing what would happen in the future, or what happened in the past. If you will, she could show people what the wanted or needed to know. She had diffused many a fight between her older, and younger siblings by showing them what their parents would do if they didn't stop . She had also made things easier on people in her kingdom by preparing them for what was going to happen.

Though she was extremely unique compared to other royals. She had more than one power, she had three. The only one she showed was her, all seeing power, the others, she kept secret. One of her "extra" powers was that she was like a god, all powerful. She could do any magic spell as if she was a fully developed sorceress, which was a big advantage to her classes. The third "extra" power that Rosaline had was the amazing magic of invisibility. She used to sneak around her castle, steal stuff, then pretend to find it and be rewarded, her parents were so gullible.

That was until she was sent away, surely to be exiled at this school for being so unladylike. While she was thinking about all this she hardly realized that she was almost to the school. Rosaline had known that she would daydream so she put a spell on her animals to make sure that they stayed on the right path. She had also put a spell on herself to assure herself that she would not fall off of Avalon. She was now at the front gates of the academy, she held down the button on the high-security gate as it scanned her retinas. That's weird, why is this place the modern day Fort Knox?

As the large metal gates slowly creaked open, Rosaline heard the sounds of hooves, wings, and wheels approaching behind her. She turned to see three other princesses coming toward the wall that surrounded the school. Two were riding in a carriage pulled by what looked like identical twin unicorns. The two girls in the carriage also seemed to be twins. The other girl, to Rosaline's surprise, was flying to school on what seemed to be a very young dragon. Her red hair looked like golden fire flying in the wind.

As she flew closer, Amber saw three faces that she did not know. Although, she had a feeling that this wasn't the last time they would see each other.

Piper and Willow were astounded, not only did the school have a huge gate with a huge lock and retina scanner. It had a huge wall surrounding the whole school and the grounds around it. "What the heck?" said Piper "Why in the world is this place so locked up? It will feel more like a jail than school!".  

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