Chapter 12

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Oh my gosh, Adam and Crystal are mates. I see tears gather in Crystal's eyes. She shakes probably from fear. Adam's eyes soften he starts walking to Crystal she whimpers. Crystal steps back. More tears fall from Crystal eyes I go to hug her but she pushes me away. I blink and I see her running away. I see a blur of Adam run past me. I try to go but I feel sparks all through my arm, Xander. 

 "Let me go" 

"No Victoria we need to talk."

I rip my arm away from him. I turn around and give him a deadly glare.

"We have nothing talk about"

"We have a lot to talk about"

He grabs my arm and pulls me to him I put a hand on his chest so I don't crash into him. He puts one of his hands on my cheek and an arm around my waist. His thumb rubs my cheek. I can feel my wolf purring  I look into his eyes and he stares at me with love and sorrow.

" I'm sorry Victoria"

He puts his forehead on my and I hear the words I've been waiting to hear all my life; I purr. Then, all of a sudden I hear something that brings me back to reality.

"Well well well if it isn't my bratty little sister getting comfortable with my mate like she does with every man.

I hear the smirk in her voice thinking that Xander is her mate. I feel Xander's chest move as he does a low growl. I push Xander away and I put my hands on hips.

"Even if he was your mate then why do you have another man's scent all over you"

I say with a smirk on my face and attitude in my voice. I hear Xander trying not to laugh. She does an angry puff and stomps her foot.  

"Now excuse me I have to go be there for someone who cares about me. Something you two will never understand"

I turn around and start walking in the direction that Crystal ran off in. I hear Xander's footsteps and I smell his scent getting close. I start picking up my pace. I start running and I don't stop I close my eyes. After a while, I finally stop running; I open my eyes and see I'm in the middle of the forest. I lean against a tree. I take a minute to breathe. I stand up and I start looking for Crystal

"Crystal are you there?"

I keep walking. 

"Crystal please come out I'm worried about you'

I keep walking for another 15 minutes and I'm exhausted don't walk in heels in the middle of the forest.

I hear quiet sobs. 


I look up and see our old treehouse, of course, she's up there whenever she and I were upset we would go up the treehouse and talk to each other about everything. It was our safe spot our fathers built it for us when we're 5. I hear quiet sobs. I climb the leader and I get to the top and I see Crystal with tears going down her face and she's holding her old teddy bear. I go over to her and hug her. More tears fall from her eyes she sniffles. I rub her back. 

"Th-this is not how I imagined  I wo-would rea-react when I met my m-mate"

"I did the same"

"V-Victoria I do-don't know wh-what to do"

"What do you mean Victoria?"

"Ma-maybe I sho-should rej-"

I stop her in the middle of her sentence,

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