~Chapter 2~

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        As the day dragged on, I was starting to feel like I should have skipped school, but knowing Ms. Haruna, she'd call home and my parent's would have a melt-down. I mean have you seen my mother when she's mad? Thought so. And besides, I'd probably get the usual detention. Finally the bell for lunch rang,I'm was starved. I slowly walked over to the tree where the sun wasn't going to blind me. A few minutes later, I saw Ami, Mina, Lita, and Rei walk toward's me. My fellow senshi. I'm so glad to have em. Their my best friends (including Molly).

Hey Serena. They said as they approached me, except for Mina, who was waving and jumping with her lunch in hand.

Hey. So I'm guessing we're going to have a meeting today, so let's do it at the arcade because Darien is getting me my favorite's, then we can all go over to my house for a sleepover for the weekend since my parent's are going to be out of town. How does that sound? I said a little bored.

That actually sound's wonderful, but I have to study for the math test next week. said Ami closing the book in her hand's.

Seriously Ami. You need some fun and I know for you, that reading is fun, but you need girl time, ya know. Movies, gossip, make-up, etc. the point here Ami is that you need to stop acting like an adult and start acting like a teenager. I said taking a breath.

I definately agree with Serena.says Mina. You need fun and excitement and I know just the thing.................SHOPPING. After school we'll pick up Rini and go the mall and have a shopping spree. There having so many sale's, I almost passed out on how much I'm going to get.

Now from a perspective, alot of people say Mina and I look alot like twins. From the blue eyes, to the hair (except different styles). She is also Sailor Venus, Senshi of Love and beauty. Her planet is more of a tropical paradise, but we haven't been to our respectable home's in over a thousand years since reborn. But that was before Beryl destroyed the Moon Kingdom. We were all sent here for a new life with our destiny's set and done. Although I know we'll make a new kingdom, where I'll take place as Neo Queen Serenity with King Endymion (Darien) will be at my side for eternity.

Well I have a cooking class after school that doesn't end til 5, so I won't be there til some time after. said Lita fixing her hair.

I have to help grandpa with some chores at the temple, but I'll there. says Rei

i'm going to visit my mom working at the hospital, so I'll ask here when I get there. says Ami reading her book again.

I guess that mean's I'm going with you after school then since I'm not doing anything. says Mina layingon the grass.

Ok that's fine. By the way, Darien's going to be waiting by the gate after school, so he'll be walking with us. I said looking at the sky.

The bell rang, so we got up and headed to the rest of class.


The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I'm happy because this is our last week of school. Didn't I mention that? No? Well now I did, so yeah. All except for Ami goe's to cram school till next week. I'm so excited for the summer to come. I get to spend time with my friend's, lover, and daughter. Yup, Rini is still with us. We figured we spend as much time with her until she goe's back to the future. Mina and I waled out front, where I saw dark, tall, and handsome boyfriend. Did I mention handsome? I did? Good becaues he is.

Hey Darien. How's it going? I said giving him a hug.

I'm good. Today was my last day of school, o I'm just going to wait till your done. He said giving me a feather kiss on the head.

Darien's in college and he get's to get out earlier. So he's going to spend lot's of time with me till Friday since we tak all of our last exam's, which are really hard. For me anyway.

Hey Mina. What's up? He said to my friend

Hey Darien. Not much. Just wish this week goe's by fast so it can be summer already. She said jumping.

I am so ready for a milk shake. Its been on my mind all day. I say looking up

Well I am going to play the new Sailor V game. Andrew told me its better than the other one. Said Mina Clapping.

I see your still plaing a video game that star's only you in it. I said smiling.

Well yeah. It's better than fighting the actual monster's. But that hasn't been for a while. It's been pretty peaceful. She said

She's right. Ever since we defeated the Dark Kingdom, its been pretty layed-back quiet. But somehow I know that a great evil is coming. i can feel it. I might not be like Rei, who has psychic abilities. But I know when something's wrong.

Well Andy told me that he might be selling the other Sailor V games. He said with a knowing smile.

Are you serious? Why would he do that? I asked

He said kid's aren't plaing with them much anymore, so he's selling them. He said

Huh. I guess that makes sense. But maybe.............ah yes. I might know what to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tall blonde person to talk to. I said running off

Hey Serena wait up. I can't keep up. Said Mina running after me.

I just laughed knowing how much faster I run now-a-day's. I was rounding the corner to the arcade, when I crashed into another padestrian who landed on the ground as I did.

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