An Unexpected Reunion (Colress x Reader)

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Request from boobsock

It was a cool evening in Alola. Perfect time to walk with your (f/p). You loved Alola it was always a tropical and warm climate where you lived. Of course, the league was frigid but that was tolerable.

Wherever you went, there was an adventure to be had. It was way different from Unova. You shudder at the thought of your old home. The very thought bright back memories you still tried to bury deep within your mind.

You couldn't forget him, he was the one man you ever loved. Yet the memories pained you when you kept them as close as you did.

You had three years to figure out the cope with your emotional heartbreak. You discovered that occupying yourself with friends, battling, and art helped keep the pain at bay. Today, however, your friends were all busy with one thing or another, you had artist block, and you didn't feel like battling. Leaving you with your thoughts and your companion by your side.

You felt a light tap on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. Your (f/p), who had been by your side since long before you moved to the Alola region. Was looking out to a bench a sorry distance from where they were walking. You looked at the man occupying said bench. He was looking down at a device on his arm. Tapping away at it. You immediately notice his blonde hair and blue cowlick, you knew only one man with hair like that.

You started to walk towards him, heart pounding in your chest. That couldn't be him....could it? When you covered a good distance between the both of you. You recognized his golden eyes and square glasses. He didn't notice you as you starred wide-eyed at him. He was still tapping away on his device, mumbling something under his breath.

You finally gather enough courage to speak. Tears already brimming in your (e/c) eyes. "Colress?" You choked, attracting the young scientist's attention. His golden eyes widen as he stared up at you. "....(Y/N)" he breathed, adjusting his glasses. He slowly stood up. Studying you from head to toe, too head again.

"Is there really you?" He asked still in disbelief that he was looking down at the woman, he never thought he would see again. Your eyes began to shed tears as you nodded, unable to speak. He opened his mouth to speak, only to close it again. He then held his arms out, offering you a hug.

You immediately launch yourself into his chest. Causing him to stumble back and almost topple over. He caught himself, however, wrapping his arms around you tightly. Burying his nose in your (h/l) (h/c) hair. You sniffled in his chest. "I never thought I would see you again." You whimpered, moving your face to bury is in the crook of his neck.

The smell of vanilla and fresh print filled your nose. You missed his smell,
it began to soothe your mind. Your tears drying as you relaxed. You now could hear someone else sobbing. Knowing who it was, you pulled away to look at Colress. He was trying his best to hold back tears, his golden eyes shining as he stared into your (e/c) orbs.

"I-I ... I just can't believe you're h-here ... I-I thought-" he was cut off by you crashing your lips against his. Your cheeks so red it put Silver's hair to shame. After a few seconds, Colress kissed you back. Your lips dancing in sync with his. He flicked his tongue over your lips as if asking permission to enter your mouth.

You eagerly agree, opening your mouth and allowing to slip his tongue into your hungry mouth. Him quickly dominating the kiss, your taste flooding his mouth. Causing him to let out a moan. It drove you to kiss him harder, wanting more you moan in response.

You continued to passionately kiss one another until you pulled away for air. Catching your breath you place your hand behind his head, pulling his head so his forehead rested against yours. You both stood there in silence for a good long while. Staring into each other's eyes.

"I missed you Colress" you finally said, a smile forming on your face. He soon shared a smile back, a light chuckle escaping him. "I missed you too my dear."


Author's note: hope you enjoyed! Please leave requests and vote!

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